CFO Charles

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Everything posted by CFO Charles

  1. Yeah, vote for that shitty overpriced Mercedes you spoiled fucks.
  3. Wait, you‘re right. Maybe I have the day off! Oh that would be so great given I nearly walked off the job for good today. Time to get fucked.
  4. If I have time between getting off work and going to school. I actually have a couple entries I‘ve been meaning to send you.
  5. Eg. Bomb the car next to their car
  6. Take me off. Was making plans to do stuff and play GTA then I woke up and realized I have night school today... Fucking bullshit.
  7. Already did, got really tweaked on Molly with a buddy and pretty much spend 2 hours in a Fear and Loathing style OCD shopping fit looking for stuff that would make my guy look more bikerish. Also was too far gone to figure out how to add logos to my clothing. I think all we forgot was a beard. Haven‘t played since then.
  8. I just realized, I‘m pretty sure I got 500K and not 250K when the stimulus came out. Anybody else? I remember being nearly broke when I logged in and saw +$500000
  9. Anybody know of a bagger spawn? I'm not a huge fan of the Daemon and I settled for a Hexer now that I joined the MC. But I really want a bagger.
  10. Voting for the Coquette because that‘s a Sabre GT and not a Virgo
  11. I don't see why we needed to elaborate any further than this.
  12. < Totally has an Austin 3:16 shirt or I did, fuck I hope I kept that now.
  13. Was going for the Makinen Rally art paint. because I think it looks more like an Evo 7 than a Subaru. I know you were, maybe if it was a blue with gold tone I would have voted , but I also have a soft spot for 80's rally cars.
  14. Had to vote for Dio, Normally I'd vote for the impreza since it's a far better rally car but that paintjob just made it look too tame.
  15. They need to add 1 car. The Maibatsu Thunder.
  16. Kids who bitch about getting knocked out of 1st place in a race. Go play Burnout for 15 seconds and then marvel at how easy GTA race physics are. Also, proud americans who camp in a really active area (E.G. Roof of West Coast Customs and shoot anybody that comes near for the sake of being a cocksucker.
  17. I need to use the actual social club site. Also fuck working 9 straight days. If they think I‘m working on/after halloween they can eat a dick.
  18. If massy isn‘t giving me the asylum logo, I want that one! What crew do I join?
  19. Fair enough. This is pretty much my sentiments on the Cheetah, even though statistically it‘s horrible and overpriced
  20. Can I be let into the Asylum MC so I actually have a half decent looking logo to paste on my car?