CFO Charles

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Everything posted by CFO Charles

  1. Nice, I buy half O's. My girl is allergic to smoke (yeah, me, massive pothead, dating someone allergic to it) so I've been making that last me usually around a week and a half (if she wasn't in my life, easily would be gone in less than a week), then the last couple grams get added to my emergency stash jar. last time I bought a full O (first and last time) was grade 9, fucking great feeling to have so much weed. Until like ginginho said, you look in and say, "damn, it's gone already"
  2. Weird, I had one like that too, except I was at burger shot, ate too much, then I looked in the mirror and turned into fat albert. We must have had some serious horomone induced dreams while waiting for San An.
  3. I don't know where you're from, but you're wrong . Maybe don't make your links so retarded next time. I was sitting there scratching my head at the Colorado laws until I realized there were another two links hidden in there. Also, even though there are laws in place, that means nothing if law enforcement doesn't enforce them. Laws up here make it so you can be penalized for a small amount, (although punishment up here is wayyyyyyyyy more leniant than jail time and a couple hundred dollar fine) but the majority of cops are willing to turn a blind eye or simply slap them on the wrist and let em go. In fact, the only time I've heard of someone being penalized for possession was a high school aquaintance of mine who was caught with 2 grams. He had to attend a week of rehab and that was only because it was the third time he had been found carrying.
  4. Tyresse finally shows up and they kick him out after 3 episodes? Rick's a fucking racist.
  5. if i posted all this stuff dont you think i already watched it and read it? and if i posted it why does what i say matter when the videos are there? It matters because I'm an asshole with a minor case OCD and prefer things to be done a certain way. I fucking love you. That made my day.
  6. Y'all Niggaz is gay, go play Need for Speed QDs.
  7. CFO Charles


    FUCK YEAH!!!!! I miss the days back when everybody would sit in a room around the TV and pass the controllers around.... Good memories.
  8. 32 Inch Sony Bravia N-series. Max it does is 1080i, but on a 32 inch, it's not like you need 1080p. Thing's almost done for anyways.
  9. CFO Charles


    Interesting. I like the ideas of having your profile stored on your controller. Sounds like it may even double as a flash drive. I'd like to hear more about this supposed Biometrics as well.
  10. Seriously? I'm not inserting contact lenses into my eyes to play a fucking video game.
  11. I already did edit my post, long before I replied to you so suck it, chump. attempting to argue with Massacre is a waste of time. He's always right.
  12. He's calling you a stupid fucker and stating how we don't care about what you said. You know… being ironic?
  13. You mean trying… the 300 piece perfect grade model may be a little easier for me
  14. I'm bored and for some reason cant update my status, I blame either my android phone or Massarce's shenanigans