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About RastaMousey

  • Rank
    Upstanding Citizen

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  1. United Kingdom, North Lincolnshire, Brigg. All the shit you need to know.
  2. The problem with Mercedes is she walked like she shat herself...
  3. Haha, I remember when I was small and saw on the news some kids copied Manhunt and another let this other kid murder him like the animations on Manhunt.
  4. Ah sorry, I'm new to the forum, didn't know there was a status or something haha!
  5. Hey guys, I used to love playing Vice City on the PS2, always playing it over and over again and then getting really annoyed when you had to purchase another disc because of the fact you never put the first disc back in its case. That was about six years ago, or maybe eight, but who cares... I just got GTA: Vice City for the Mac OS X, might do some videos for you guys to watch, like a play through or something, we'll see what happens. But I just wanted to share the fact that I am playing it.
  6. Or just pull out a gun and kill everyone.
  7. I have a feeling there is going to be realistic cops due to the fact you can put stuff behind doors now to barricade it/and yourself. So the cops will have to come with battering rams, to get in... I think.
  8. To start off mine is: and: Love Fist were brilliant, funny and simply the best supporting characters.
  9. This beats all the pictures already posted...
  10. Basically in my spare time I purposely knock over NPC's and get them to chase me until I reach a cop car, and let them hit me, because then they get arrested, that's if they make it to the police car without me knocking them over again HAHA...
  11. Hmm, from the start of the thread people were are complaining that it tooks like 20 goes, yet I did it today in one go. I just ramped on top of the train and sat there while Big Smoke shot the Mexicans, haha!