The Invisible Lines

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Everything posted by The Invisible Lines

  1. I see what you're saying, there map does seem to be upside down. However, los santos is confirmed the southernmost part, and the map doesn't go very far south after the airport. The map is also inverted, most likely done to screw with you a bit when trying to piece things together. But the map so far is correct. Not doubting you, just curious because I don't remember it being said -- where was it confirmed that LS was at the southermost tip of the map? Also, just saying, if it turns out there is more map below LS (and, in particular, Lost Puertos) I best get some credit for the theory, y'all. (I'm only sort of kidding.)
  2. There does seem to be a disparate angle to the upward slope of the mountain, but it is a good observation.
  3. Yeah, like i said, I don't really believe that to be the case, but looking at the blueprint it's not too hard to imagining the land continuing further southeast out of view if you look at the real life map comparison. Would be awesome, but I'm not crossing any fingers.
  4. Okay, so I had a thought about the map (and by thought I mean dream, ha). Now, first let me say that I don't think there is another city, but hear me out. Try to reimange the map a bit having Los Santos much closer to the top left side of the map. That's still possible if the rest of the map starts going south out of view of the map snippet we saw (so north would still be north). Above it and to the west are what we've speculated, with mountains to the north and the Alamo sea to the west. But instead of extended so far north as we've been thinking, it stretches in to the southeast ending with Los Puertas (San Diego) at the very far bottom southeast portion of the map (SD is farther south and it woud be a logical cut-off point because of the Mexican border). Sorry if this sounds completely crazy, I just thought it was an interesting idea and the map would look much more like the actual southern portion of CA. Edit: -- a good example of what I mean. You can see how LS could still be on the water, there still being space above it and to the west, while it could also extend south to LP without us having seen that in the screens.
  5. I'm so late to the party, but I recently started playing L.A. Noire and I must say it's really a lot of fun. The facial capture tech blows me away.
  6. Just a thought. I'm a huge Friday the 13th fan, so I'll shit my britches if we had the option of wearing the Jason (hockey mask) costume Michael's wearing for a heist in some of the newer screens off-mission. That is all.
  7. When we first learned there would be more than one protagonist, I was afraid the storyline was in danger of being too messy; however, I quickly realized it's probably one of the smartest decisions Rockstar has made in a GTA product. Of lesser importance is that it's a good way of getting around a huge map with ease. More importantly, the variety of locales in the game makes it so that each of the three are written to their location. We'll see depth there, and it makes sense considering the storyline will be heist-heavy. I'm looking forward to playing all three, especially now that we've seen their individual trailers.
  8. ^ Nothing new really, but for some reason I felt like that was one of the better previews I've read. Also, I didn't catch anything in previous reviews about regenerating health, but I could've just browsed over that.
  9. Must say, I wasn't expecting that. I'm a musician (alt. rock sort of stuff), and even though I don't regularly listen to hip-hop/rap, I can appreciate it when it's good and respect the artist for their talent. And this, sir, is pretty titties. Well done, cookies for you.
  10. That's actually a good question. I hadn't thought of that. Maybe there will be indicators pointing you in the direction you're meant to go, and additionally there will be a smaller directional compass within one of the corners of the square? Seems like that might be cluttered, though . . .
  11. Funny story that I figured belongs here. Today I busted out my PS2 to revisit San Andreas but realized I somehow lost the power adapter. I went to my local Game Stop to see if they had one, but they don't sell PS2s or PS2 accessories anymore. Nearby this is a small independent game seller, so I tried them. No dice, but it was worth the trip because they had copies of the V pre-order boxes that they altered so that under the title it says "BETA" in the dollar sign font. I asked what that was all about thinking they were trying to totally rip stupid people off and he said they're selling used copies of San Andreas inside the box (as a joke, not a scam). I thought it was funny. Didn't have my phone, so no pics but it did happen, lol.
  12. By the looks of it, they must've given that demo to a kingergarten class . . .
  13. Good on R* for these lovely sets; however, like some of you, I don't think I'll throw down the bones for either. As someone previously mentioned, the part I was most excited about was actually riding/piloting the blimp, but the extra isn't worth that (and, frankly, though should have been a standard feature). I'm a huge fan, but I don't need the additional swag.
  14. Yeah, this is some exciting stuff. I've always been more interested in the map than the characters when it comes to GTA, so I'm most looking forward to some extra glimpses. I think we'll see some interesting dichotomies based on the respective locations of the characters.
  15. I vaguely recall reading somewhere, maybe in the GI interview, that NPC's will use public transport such as buses to go too and from work at certain parts of the day, So i'm going to assume that the players characters will be able to use them as well. I sort of remember that too, and to me that's really exciting. I don't in any way mean to sound so insensitive after the Boston bombings, but I personally look forward to stepping onto a rush hour bus, dropping a few remote charges, getting off at the next stop, and then . . . well, you know.
  16. 1. Spawn a fighter jet. 2. Switch between characters (M & F for Los Santos, T for desert area).
  17. Seems like it, yeah. And maybe it's just my eyes, but the front door looks open w/ an interior beyond it. Mission, maybe?
  18. I'm trying to figure out where that is. I feel like I've seen that building with the newish construction on the corner, but I can't remember where/when. The building in the far right looks like it might be one of the Roosevelt Houses on the LES.
  19. Any chance the North Mission Rd. building is the same Michaels' standing next to in the latest round of screens when he's leaning on the car hood? Don't know LA, so I don't know if it's by a bridge. I mean, I guess a red brick building is a red brick building, after all.
  20. Nothing groundbreaking, but I like it well enough. I don't know why I was expecting something different with the V cover, but I'm not disappointed and think the color scheme fits the vibe of the game well, as others have said. I'mma J in my P's when I'm finally holding that shit. Also, a thought I'd never had before. Does anyone think it's possible the blonde is Michael's daughter? I doubt it, she seems a bit too old (20s instead of teens), but she could be a character and not just a random ped. That brings up another idea that a cool missiion would be if she or another member of his family were kidnapped and you had a mission, or series of mission where you had to rescue them.
  21. San Diego would be great, but I'd be perfectly happy with just LS and the towns. I loved the rural wooded/desert areas in San Andreas. There was always something interesting to come upon, and there was an eerieness to it that I really liked (especially driving around with the country station on -- I hope they bring that back, and I'm sure they will). I think Trevor's area will be hilarious (i.e. the staggering drunk guy in trailer 2). With those areas combined with the sprawl and diversity of LS, I don't think we'll be bored by the map at all. Oh, and don't forget the seafloor.