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Everything posted by The9thPawn

  1. A cheat like that makes the flying car cheat seem really tame, and boring.
  2. Out of everything that you could possibly do in GTA V you people want to browse a parody of facebook...
  3. Reminds me of all the GTA SA myths Somebody say Bigfoot?
  4. Why does that concern you? Because it implies to me that there won't be much of a story focus outside of Los Santos proper, or that the area outside of town isn't all that interesting. On the plus side you won't know what to expect out in the country and searching the country side for secrets, and ramps etc will be more fun.
  5. They look almost identical, or is it just me? Helicopter top left, main protag in top center, motor bike top right, girl under helicopter, man holding sniper rifle under bike, car being chased by cops in the bottom panel, and black guy holding a pistol on the bottom panel. The cover looks good, but would it really kill them to think outside the box?
  6. The mobile cheat entry was a piece of shit imo, you just stood there like a moron while getting shot when using it. If you got shot, you put it away. You couldn't run with it, or crouch with it. I prefer the good ol' R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up, or pressing the ~ key like in skyrim and entering a code. To be honest, I'd say lets just have both styles, but I liked the mobile for cruising but your car got hit and you could easily repair it. And sjust stood there? You have a cheats section you don't have to dial all of the time and you could walk and drive with it. Yeah, but do you really have time to even go to the saved cheats session when being shot by hundreds of cops and helicopters? Listen, you are using a cheat in a video game. At least be happy it's in there at all.
  7. If they incorporate the AI mechanics from Max Payne 3 into GTA V's military then I'll be happy as a pig in shit.
  8. It'll be cool to see what puzzles Q has in store this time around. Good luck everybody!
  9. well, it would have to be serious. no bigfoot,chupicabra, etc. it would have to be straight up guns, cars, and zombies. honestly, GTA 4 would have made more sense to put the mode in, because the west coast is all sun and fun when it comes to mind. but i still think a zombie mode would be a pretty good idea for people who are into that sorta stuff, which nowadays is ALOT of people. look at the other zombie games that have made alot of money. Not to count movies,books,guns/equipment, that have made companys lots of money. GTA has a realy good base for a zombie mode, givien a few tweeks to the gameplay. Just an opinion Rockstar doesn't need to do what's popular to get money. They start the trends, not follow them.
  10. As crazy and over the top as GTA is, it always remains somehwat grounded in reality. Adding zombies would detract from the realism, and seem out of place.
  11. Just a word of advice from somebody else who is fairly new here: It's probably not a good idea to mouth off in the threads and insult the intelligence of several veteran members on this site. That being said continue if you wish, your proud americanry is hilarious to witness.
  12. How about the tears of whiny fanboys crying out for more information from Rockstar?
  13. I dont think there should be too many conspiracy theories in GTA V, that was kind of San Andreas' thing and they were only really made up to extend the replay value. Id rather they work on a better multiplayer experience to extend the gameplay over rumours that a fictional creature may or may not be roaming outside Los Santos.
  14. I just wanted to say a few things before I forget about this topic and never return to it: 1) You have no idea what the Wii U can do. You can read all the specs you want but that doesn't change anything. The fact that you seem to think there is a technological advantage to "upgrading" to the Wii U is depressing. If anything the Wii U will finally catch up to the graphical standrads set by Sony and Xbox years ago. 2) GTA 5 will be the exact same game on every console. There is no way possible that they would even consider starting the project for the Wii U and then downgrading it for PS3/Xbox 360 users. Wouldn't happen ever. Either way if it runs at 720p on the Xbox/PS3 it will run 720p on the Wii U or less. Not more. 3) I highly doubt anyone would buy a new console over simply buying the game alone. "Oh but they can put the HUD on the touch screen". Yes. Please tell me what a HUD stands for. Oh yes. Heads Up Display. Having the HUD on the touch screen is a terrible idea. The whole point of it is so that you don't need to pause the game, or look around to see where you are on your map, how much health you have, and what weapons you are carrying. I know that the touch screen can be used for other purposes, but even so once again I highly doubt anyone with half a brain will be buying a Wii U simply for an extra feature that the other versions wouldn't have. 4) Multiplayer: Nintendo doesn't have it. They will need to set up an effective multiplayer system for the release, or cut it out of the Nintendo version of GTA 5 completely. I'm not sure if you have used multiplayer on the Wii often or ever, but in case you haven't it was hacked. A LOT. Sometimes to the point where the games were unplayable. Multiplayer is what will keep the replay value of GTA 5 going, and if the Wii U can't handle it.. well I think you get the picture. and finally: 5) If you look at the global total for Bully the game sold less than 500 000 copies for Wii. Meanwhile Bully on Xbox 360 and PS3 both sold just shy of 1 million units each. http://www.vgchartz....edb/?name=bully So there's that too. Sorry man. I know you seem to think it would be worthwhile. I unfortunately will have to disagree with you. It just seems like a waste of time to build their game on a console that hasn't even been released, or been tested by the press. Maybe down the line if Nintendo can prove the Wii U is worth more than the cardboard box they ship it in then Nintendo might get some AAA games. Until then I'll be using my PS3.
  15. everyone bookmark this! im getting a free copy of gta 5! yea it's Sam Houser who is born on May 24th. The theme song called Odgens Nuts Gone Flake or something was released on 24th May 1968. and on the final scene of tbogt on the plane are the numbers 24051972 which is sam housers birthday Nice work on the numbers for TBOGT. I never would have noticed that.
  16. Unfortunately way back when GTA 4 game out I didn't own a PS3 so I missed out on the collector's edition, but when 5 comes out I'll be pre-ordering it as soon as they announce it.
  17. I love the concert idea. It`d be nice if you could get thrown into a mosh bit and beat the crap out of some peds. Any ideas for bands/artists people would like to see in the game? As for house parties, I think I`d be kinda cool to see one happening as I drive by. If it was there I would probably check it out once, but after that I would most likely ignore them. Still adds a bit more realism to the city.
  18. Hey I searched through the forums and didn't find a topic like this so hopefully I'm not reposting. I was wondering if any of you liked the feature in the Ballad of Gay Tony where you were given a rating based on how fast you did in a mission, your accuracy etc. and whether or not you would like to see it implemented in GTA 5. In TBoGT you could also replay missions which was a nice feature. There were alot of fun missions in GTA 4, and TLAD that I would have loved to replay (Three Leaf Clover, Get Lost) but didn't have the opportunity to without starting a new game, or making a separate save file just before the mission. Would any of you like, or use the replay feature, and would the mission ratings matter to you? Thoughts below.
  19. I'm not going to lie standing in a strip club playing an eight bit arcade game is one of the last things on my mind when I play GTA. I'd much rather they spend the time and money they would have used towards those games to something worthwhile. I don't know about anyone else here but I only played QUEB3D for the trophy. After that I never touched that arcade game again.