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Everything posted by BRO_MAN

  1. Best set of screens yet, I knew a day was coming soon. The one with highway and the windfarm, and how it's 'instagram' looking is very interesting to me. Why is it edited so heavily? I hope this points towards a replay function, or at the very least some type of in game photo sharing/editing like Skate. Favorite one by far is the lighting strike. I can just feel the intensity there, this looks amazing.
  2. You forgot the part where he sniffs the gas can and takes a few gulps beforehand.
  3. No matter what youre doing with a kinect it looks like youre working an invisible dick. The only thing I use it for is to yell pause at netflix and even that sucks.
  4. Maybe Jimmy will take up the car-smoking role. I liked that too lol. I'm almost sure we'll see a mission where we switch to Trevor just after he's waking up from a bender or something and we get to really see things from his perspective.
  5. They should make this game flight-stick compatible. Would add a whole new level of fun. I already use headphones with a mic. After a joystick all I would need is a scarf and some aviators. The stick would be awesome though, im sure we'll eventually see people using it on pc. But let's be honest, who needs some fancy special controller when we have kinect and PS move, gods gifts to men.
  6. In multiplayer I'm going to play Flight of the Valkyries and pretend im playing the SimCopter '13, so I'll go around picking people up when they spawn and take them to the whatever fire-fight or little battle is going on. Also why I'm hoping for some sort of Huey.
  7. It is confirmed that none of them are going to return. Suck's that Packie's not, but maybe that clip of him leaving is going to be touched on sometime later, who knows.
  8. It's a few years later, they're not going to use the exact same character model. She even got paler and skinnier between IV and TBoGT. Right now it's the best guess seeing as she's wearing a biker jacket and hanging out with Trevor. One character that I am really expecting to see is Louis's father. From what I remember he's supposed to be stationed at a military base on the west coast.
  9. No ones fighting, just suggesting you actually try and contribute to the actual conversation instead of spouting bullshit.
  10. An opinion is an opinion. Making shit up about the storyline based on nothing is not an opinion. Sure she could have a sister, but fucking base that on something before you go making up stories.
  11. See thats why people get annoyed with you. Usually when trying to deduce something like if that's her or not, one works with the clues and whatever evidence they can find. You come out of left field with some story of her fictional sister and plane chases.
  12. Was just looking at this one and noticed the girl on the right, kinda think it might be Ashley from TLaD
  13. The way he first described his communist game, it sounded alot like Just Cause 2.
  14. If you zoom in on the dash of it you can see a picture of Wayne and Garth.
  15. I want the street preachers to come back they have the craziest dialogue in the game IMO. And in RDR I always love stumbling out drunk from the saloon to start harassing the actual Preacher.
  16. In IV I'll still systematically pick fights with cabbies and bikers until i get a decent brawl between them going. Then just watch from the safety of a taxi roof.
  17. How the shit did I miss that!? thats the clip ive even fast forwarded to, good eye dudes.
  18. I'd imagine that would be an interesting part of a heist. Speeding away in the getaway vehicle, you get on the freeway only to find that it's a parking lot. A mile or two ahead, the heatwave distorts the sun's glint off of hundreds of roofs. The sirens are getting louder... Makes me remember the high-speed pileups I would cause on the loop around LV with a single remote charge. I bet we'll see something exactly what you just described, but even more intense now that there's an in game score. I wonder how street vehicles will handle off road now, and vice versa. because in IV it was utter shit.
  19. Has no one mentioned that were going to have an accompanying score to this one? Something totally new to GTA. It seemed like they got it perfect in RDR, so I have no doubts it will be perfect. It will most likely vary from area to area, by time of day, and especially what charecter youre playing as. Im hoping that when youre in the city at night it plays kind something along close to what the 'Drive" OST sounds like, even though we have "Knightride" the kavinsky station.
  20. My plan keeps changing every week even with no new info. But mainly I want to get hands on a Vigero, Sabre, Faction, or either a Vader or a Zombie, then just fuckin cruise. With a main focus of just staring at everything in awe, and start to keep an animal checklist.
  21. Also PS3 had exclusive RDR content that noone else had, so there!