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Crazee last won the day on September 29 2012

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204 Ridiculous


About Crazee

  • Rank
    Crazed Ninja™
  • Birthday 06/26/1987

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  1. Crazee


    Just noticed on the PSN store that the NV DLC's have had their prices slashed by half, and if you're a PS Plus member the dlc bundle is £10.79 atm.
  2. Crazee


    Quick question, one i'm ashamed not to no the answer to already but the situations never come up before now. Started playing NV again on the PS3, got one of the DLC's but want to get the others. They're £8 each on the PSN store which imo is ridiculous so had a look online for the ultimate edition and it's cheaper even with already paying for one of the DLC's. My question is, will the saved games on the original copy work on a ultimate edition copy?
  3. Do it on a friend or relative's iphone, that's what I did. Good thinking Batman.
  4. O_o You saying it's unreasonable to have to drive to a location, in a game which is predominately, a driving game.
  5. Soooo. . . . . If my phone is shit and outdated, how can i can the ifruit app thing to get my custom plate? Without getting a new phone
  6. Yeah, back out of the text, drive in one direction for a few seconds, then check back on the text to see if you're any closer as the distance will change, if you are closer you know you're heading in the right direction and you can repeat this process until your hearts content, and when you start the mission you'll end up as near your destination as you want. Thats the simplest way anyway.
  7. ^ ^ I SOOooo do not do that.
  8. I might be wrong but you get charged hospital bills when getting killed in TDM, that fucks me off as you will always die quiet abit no matter what. Personally if you're playing a game like that you shouldn't have to fork that amount of cash out every time. Only other thing thats annoying is the loading time to start the game, but it's understandable considering the amount of data.
  9. I'm glad I have a 13hr shift tomorrow now, won't be doing my head in trying to get online every 5 minutes. Fitty, you better get this shit fix by Thursday!
  10. At least they're giving you something to read while waiting endlessly lol. Trying one more time then i'm off to play something else. Edit: now saying: "unable to load saved data for character 1, the rockstar cloud servers are unavailable right now. . . "
  11. Ow new alert. "timed out when matchmaking for a compatible gta online session to join. . . . ." Bored now.
  12. Edit: DuPz, that also happened to me.
  13. Created the character, not been able to connect to the game yet. Message: "Failed to host a gta online session. Please return to grand theft auto V and try again later" Fuck later! I want now!!!
  14. Its nice that you can jump straight into online from the loading screen.