Ace Of Spades

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Everything posted by Ace Of Spades

  1. This was my backup character, Samson. He sold lots of cocaine in the 80s. He also falls asleep a lot, sometimes in random places. But he's gotten lucky with cars, bought a garage that was full of cars that went missing like half a year ago! How lucky's that? Though this is his original 80s cocainemobile....clearly. Dukes... But his best quality by far is....He's 100% Psychopath
  2. In regards to Trevor's shirt, seems to me he was...
  3. Wow, found a picture of me when i was 11. My car looked a hell of a lot better then...\
  4. My brothers character (who is exactly the same) My "Mad Max/Wayne's World" Rhapsody Edit: I saw this on the social club and it made me lul for some reason.
  5. Ace Of Spades


    Finally got ps plus and the cockweeds screw it up, goddammit! I wouldn't mind of you could play the crew offline -__-
  6. Ahh the Roll Cage is car coloured instead of orange now. Finally!
  7. Go by feel man, if it sense more lose around corners then it's lower than it should be for safe driving......says me lul. But seriously you'll probably feel it.
  8. When i get PS+ i gotta get in on that..... Also a headset
  9. i think so jules gets a race change Grand Theft Auto V_20141222165133.jpg props to otiz for the name I can wait for Doug and Wilbur to do a heist together...Oh the clusterfuckery
  10. Just thought of something, it's not completely out of the realm of possibility to see a completely new city, that'd open up some.....good stuff I guess.
  11. Ah I've been better lately, last year was really bad, this year had been different but better. Been dealing with it since grade 7, not really a big deal. I've figured out how to cope with it and my anxiety. It's good cause one of my personalities is a therapist
  12. That makes sense, reading that whole word instead of just the first few letters would've helped. Words are hard.
  13. Oversleeping is a problem now? Fuck sakes. Could I also just be over sleeping cause I'm out of shape? Also I know I've got depression, what's that other thing?
  14. Very nice! PS3 sterff Hehe, he's back! Prasants! I hope one of them is a Tampa! The rat pack
  15. 30 maximum cars.....Oh yes. This will help my ADD of cars >
  16. The Clean Rat Loader mods up pretty nice, sounds good too. Can't change the truck bed though.
  17. I'll go check the ps3 cause i don't have PS+ so can't get it next gen Hmm, doesn't say there's an update for ps3...
  18. Hey guys we might actually be able to have an Apocalypse night soon! Also yay gloves.
  19. I've been hovering around a quarter tank every time i drive. I don't actually drive that much though, been walking to school and i'm unemployed so no need for it unfortunately :/
  20. See right there is proof that I have no idea what I'm talking about. Muscle cars are more expensive here too....why do I live here...
  21. I hate my government sometimes -__- it's really dumb cause we sell our oil to the states, then it gets sold back for more. That's it I'm moving to Nevada and buyinh a big ole fuckin supercharged 440-6 pack 1970 Plymouth Fury Convertible!!
  22. I can't do those maths on account of I am a dumbass. But I feel like you're basking in the fact that you have cheaper gas me. I would do the same, point is, we went down 40cents in about 2 months. That makes me happy.