Ace Of Spades

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Everything posted by Ace Of Spades

  1. Snow...I are Canada...i are for the sky ice.
  2. Alright can't seem to get the ps3 to be friendly, I'll have to dip on this one
  3. I'll join the lost, I've got an open slot. If my ps3 decides to cooperate it's been freezeing a lot today.
  4. Asylum MC maybe? Or i could try to find a good Lost crew.
  5. The beginning of our foggy Chiliad ascent... With help from me, DiO's van got to the top of chiliad. But it seems he was anxious to get it back down... And Hardsauce.... and Ghostman... All that was left Of Ghostman's Patriot... We took a detour to space, here's DiO with some space fish... His Ninja space dump... The Barron Dubsta.... The only survivors...aside from the other ones... The Desolate street.. The lighted city... The Ghost Dominator
  6. DiO that post looks so wrong without the arrow....
  7. How'd that duck get in your sig that's my question?
  8. Hahaha, yeah the little hippie would be lil ace as they call him or my brother to regular people. Brian, rims really are the hardest atheistic thing to decide on with cars, good luck.
  9. The good ole 15 year old rape face, time rewy helped be out there
  10. I know, I didn't realize it until after I took the picture, I like my body style better too and nice man, just don't buy a rust bucket lol Lol, yeah i've learned that lesson.... 1974 uh Charger.
  11. Wow the size difference is ridiculous! I still like your body style better Also i might come the summer time be buying one of these roadtanks, 1970 Plymouth Fury Vert. Damn I love these!
  12. Well if ya'll we're curious about songs on next gen, The deleted songs are at the bottom, just search the station you want there. Here's Los Santos rock radio
  13. Good man stock sucks cock, remember that. Lol
  14. 5L oughta do nicely in there, the 4.6 motivates my 4200lb car quite swiftly , I layed down a nice patch of rubber leaving school the other day
  15. Motörhead said it best, Eat the Rich 4.6 in there?
  16. I wonder of the dukes will come to ps3 with an update come launch day.
  17. Fuck me sideways and call me Shelly! I'm in ladies and gents!
  18. Worst case Ontario I'll switch to ps3 for crew nights. If that works after the transfer
  19. Haha well I'm a professional rationalizer, I mean the faster loading times will give me more time for activities effectively saving my money! Right? Because time is money.