Ace Of Spades

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Everything posted by Ace Of Spades

  1. *unfriend* Hey i said at first! I still love you CFO Don't leave me!
  2. You know, at first i wasn't a huge fan of the 2015 Mustang, saw one at the Toronto Auto Show this year, but you know seeing them in colors than red/burgundy helped, and i can say they're growing on me
  3. Is that fucking rocky dennis? Oh no, it was just a meteor, regular day in Downtown Fucktown
  4. I think there should just be a quick deposit option in your contacts
  5. Had some fun with the Meme text thingy Like this one cause i needz it!
  6. My Warrener spawned like this after a mission failed to download Guess my favorite color. It's green My muscle car garage Good ole Cypress Flats
  7. Not gonna lie, this is the most beautiful thing i have ever read When it comes to the Dukes, i don't rest until my work is done.
  8. So i was reading about some things the were cut out from the beta version, the Rhapsody was among them, and as you know that's back in the game now. There was apparently a Humvee type vehicle on the Warstock website, along with the hunter. Someone probably said this already and i'm probably a cock now, but hey i was before But i was watching the Tv and there was a commercial with a Dukes in it, that would mean it's in the code right? I'm thinking DLC soon, A Cunning Stunt DLC would be cool, some new ramps in the Creator menu, maybe a loop or something too. Frick I'm tired...
  9. Wow! I haven't changed much.....Rather not at all! The Apocalypse doesn't have to change us all...
  10. If it ain't plaid, it ain't rad ~Jesus "O'mally" Christ
  11. "So is it the new Bluesmobile??" *tries to light cigarette* "Fix the cigarette lighter" Have fun Elwood... You know what, funny story, the cigarette actually doesn't work. But.... This is a Badass picture.
  12. Well my answer is pretty much always the same..... *sigh*
  13. Took this one from a titan Me and my real life best friend on the top of Chiliad after our roadtrip Some pics she took on the way there And the somehow mint condition ish convertible we took up there.
  14. Well we traded our old car fir 2 of these and we got $1415 back
  15. What hood? I love in southern Ontario i might get shot with a snowball at the worst lol
  16. It's got a cop motor, cop tires, cop shocks, cop suspension and it runs good on regular gas.......E85 too
  17. Wait can you only get the beer hat from crate drops? I've checked the store but maybe not hard enough.
  18. My name is Alc and i'm an Aceiholic I parked in a tree today. I'm sorry i fricked er DiO i tried to fix it Building a race car! Pretty damn Alpha! And the pretties