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Everything posted by TwoFacedTanner

  1. Well scratch that idea then. I don't want anyone excluded.
  2. I wouldn't mind a free roam. I haven't really had the chance to do any multiplayer. Or we could switch over to TLaD.
  3. Lets just hope LSRR is better than LRR. I couldn't listen to LRR for too long...I mean, with the exception of a couple of songs, I feel like I was listening to a bargain bin classic rock album. Not saying the artists weren't good but, the songs were awful.
  4. Thats an even better eye. I had never read the game informer article so, I didn't know about the flashlight and all that.
  5. TwoFacedTanner

    The Sims

    Thats what I missed about the Sims 2 that the Sims 3 lacked, the plant people, aliens, zombie people and all that.
  6. I think it was me that misunderstood Handsome. I thought he was protesting the inclusion of the song. I completely understand where you are coming from though. I hate BEP, and I hate Will I. Am. The latter more than the former. But I like that song.
  7. Thanks, some sites say, "NY is slightly bigger with a bigger population" and "LA is bigger than NY" and so on. I knew that LA was bigger because I come from a place in Australia which is very sprawl-like and hence compared to LA but I was surprised by what I found when I went looking for info to back it up. Apparently, for cities with a population greater than one million people, the largest cities by land area are (in order) Houston, Phoenix, LA (468 sq. miles), San Antonio, Dallas, San Diego, NYC (302 sq. miles). There's my education for the day. The thing about the LA area is that there are a lot of cities around it that are clumped in with LA but are technically their own city. So LA may be 500 sq miles but then it just melds into other big cities surrounding it. New York is very dense and doesn't sprawl out as much as LA does. I can believe Huston has a larger area because unlike LA it is the only real city in the intimidate area. All of the suburban areas around it belong to Huston while in LA most of the suburban areas are actually their own towns. My point is that So-Cal is like one big city and LA is only a part of it Yeah.... The urban area in So Cal extends from LA to San Fransisco with maybe an hour of hills in between. ....what....I hope you mean San Diego.
  8. That would be fantastic. In regards to the clothes, I know in MP3 you could get dirt, grass, blood stains and all that, and it made me think of that.
  9. Is it just me or does Franklin have dirt on his clothes? No we're not. Count how many screens and caps there are with a sanchez. Ok? 13 out of 388. Doesn't look like half the game to me. You shouldn't take things so seriously.
  10. Well I'm glad you got over that hahaha
  11. Oh god no. C'mon. I know people are into hardcore rap, death metal and all that on this forum, but there is always so much hate for pop music. I'll never understand it. It may not be your cup of tea, but it doesn't mean its not someone else's. I welcome all kinds of music. I didn't think I liked death metal until The Lost and Damned, now the stuff has grown on me. I don't listen to it regularly, but I've learned to appreciate it as a genre.
  12. Im off that day so I'm in for sure. Bones, could you and GTAgirl hear me the other night? I know you two didnt have mics but i was trying to see if mine worked. Also, is there a chance we don't have rain? I really hate rain...
  13. Gentlemen, gentlemen....look here. This is an image of a Lime Hood Piru on his turf. And this is a screenshot of the Grove Street Families Using deductive reasoning I have come to the conclusion that based on the similarities of the images, the Grove Street Families are definitely based on the Lime Hood Piru.
  14. I'd like to try BoGT. I've never played it online.
  15. I'll see when I'm working that day and let you know.
  16. Thats what I had figured. Someone was speculating that it was a character from an old GTA game making a cameo.
  17. I didn't want to go through a bajillion pages so sorry if this was already noticed...but the guy trevor is going threatening with the jumper cables is the same guy michael abducts in his video. And here he is in Michael's trailer. Same hair, pants and everything
  18. Johnny and Packie. Luis and Tony for sure. Everyone else is dead or got into a dispute with Rockstar over pay.
  19. Since Trevor wears a calculator watch and cooks meth like Walter White, I hope you can sell drugs.