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Everything posted by TwoFacedTanner

  1. I was thinking of LV because of the casino heist...but my time in Las Vegas I learned that it isn't that exciting of a city and apart from a casino heist, there would be nothing else interesting about Las Venturas. Unless you cared about meth, but apparently they've got that covered in Los Santos anyway...I'm not making any sense.
  2. After playing GTAIV lately the thing I want the most from GTA V is that Rockstar really fix the driving in rain physics. They seem to get driving in rain mixed up with driving on a sheet of ice. I drive in rain all of the time. My car doesn't take wider turns because the ground is wet and, when I apply my brakes after driving 10mph I don't slide twenty feet.
  3. Wanting an instant fast travel system in a game like this is a terrifying new level of lazy.
  4. Hahahaha I couldn't help but read this in a Pee Wee Herman voice when I read "Exhibit A" Very interesting theory though, I like it.
  5. I hope that it isn't an island...I hope that its connected to a mainland in a way RDR was. I know it would be difficult with the inclusion of aircraft but, I thought GTAIV was incredibly stupid in terms of the map. Alderney was part of New Guernsey and not part of Liberty City, yet, it was an island connected to three islands that were Liberty City and used LCPD police cars. Bah! So if in fact they do have it on the mainland...image what they could do with expansions. Where GTAIV added characters, they could add cities seeing as how they have an interstate.
  6. I'm excited about the haircuts and stuff....I mean...don't judge me. I have an eye for fashion... But what exactly could you do with Trevor's hair? Give him a skullet, shave it transplant?
  7. They did say Michael and Franklin meet in a hustle. Maybe Michael buys a car, and Franklin tries to take it.
  8. The most infuriating thing about Trevor's trailer analysis by GTA 5oclock is when they are stumped as to who the blond girl and fat guy in the painting at Micheal's house is. It Jimmy and Tracy or whatever his sister's name is. How can they notice all this other stuff and not put that together?
  9. Thats why you get the "Best Moderator" Blue ribbon and a smiley face sticker weekly.
  10. Everyone is talking about the lost logo at the airfield! Hasnt anyone noticed the guy he hits with the bat is wearing a Lost jacket?
  11. I don't know if I like that Trevor is warring with The Lost...if we somehow for some reason have to kill Johnny Klebitz I'll die. He's my favorite.
  12. It was probably the nudity. God damnit why did you have to out me like that. Tanner can't resist some hot chocolate
  13. Oh my god a juggalo.... I mean, that does fit in with the white trash aspect of Trevor. I really sprang a woody for Franklin's trailer. That one has me the most excited. I think the only way Rockstar could top the three different perspectives here is if they let you play as a cop too.
  14. You know, dead pigs might draw more ire from them.
  15. I feel like you've gotten Rockstar mixed up with Volition.
  16. Maybe it is the way you wrote it. The gangs have colors but colors don't matter? Blood-Crip-Prune Street Bullies; the gang names are ridiculous. That isn't your fault though. You didn't make them up but, the whole time I read that info it sounded like a high school student trying to make up a story as he went along. You know, my state felt that way for a long time.
  17. I feel like the Epsilon stuff is just pure marketing, and it won't have any importance in the actual game. If you remember, GTA4's website featured people and places of interest and they were either minor or almost non existent outside of being mentioned on the in game radio or being seen on a poster in the game. It is probably just something to give the world a more alive feeling but, I could be wrong. And if you listen to any of the girls I've dated, I'm always wrong.
  18. That would actually fit in with Rockstar's satirical social commentary. You would almost expect that in today's world the way everyone is obsessed with letting everyone know what they're doing and making sure you can see what they are eating through a vintage filter.