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About Guerilla2037

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  1. Life is a crazy place. I knew him decently. I have feint memories because I've lived some crazy times myself. I had him on Facebook myself for a long time. David VanEpps was his real name of I'm not mistaken. I lost touch on FB shortly after my deployment when I kind of left the world for a while. Never knew this happened till tonight. Crazy.... Sorry for his wife. She seemed nice. He and I had some important things in common. I can ramble on but all I can say is nobody should take for granted now.
  2. Anyone, Im not asking you to have anything to do with the page, because its a European site, and also, its pretty much female cosmetics. All Im really asking for is plenty of likes to help the page out. I appreciate it!
  3. I was wondering if there is anywhere I can advetise something. Its just a facebook page I want likes for nothing else. Its technically selling something but all I really want is likes.
  4. Yo thats totally what I was thinking. ^ Maybe cause its like all men
  5. Me with a dog at the motel I go to every year. He belongs to the owner and I became his favorite quickly.
  6. So I bought this and the first one and I love em. Anyone else have this game. I play it a lot now.
  7. ^Same here. Im gonna go see it in a few weeks again in IMAX
  8. Saw this today all I can say is fucking amazing. Absolutely perfect. Nothing at all to complain about
  9. If you like him yes. It started slow but first two episodes were alright.
  10. Yeah tosh is def the new current show i actually laugh out loud at. If i could say recent that turned bad was Two and a half men...fuckin hilarious till someone decided to put Ashtons pathetic failure of an ass in there. One of my old school favorites too I just feel like mentioning is Frasier. And of course classics who went south the simpsons and family guy and to a lesser extent of recent failure south park.
  11. Definately a tiger. Not sure which type cause there are a lot of kinds. Probably a white Tiger. I love all large cats pretty much.