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Everything posted by ConQueSteD

  1. That's what I was thinking as well. Plus maybe own collectibles. Would give us three sets of pigeons or whatever to find. If it's like IV that'll be around 600 collectibles. Ain't nobody got time for that. people could have 4 or more years to do all that actually, going by the timescale between IV and V. and then onto whatever's next. I didn't literally mean nobody had time for that. We have until we die to collect all of them. What I was implying was with 600 collectibles who's really wanting to find 600 of these fuckers. If it's like GTA IV you had to shoot them and every time you shot one you immediately received a one star wanted level. It became a nuisance with 200 it'd be a pain in the ass with 600.
  2. That's what I was thinking as well. Plus maybe own collectibles. Would give us three sets of pigeons or whatever to find. If it's like IV that'll be around 600 collectibles. Ain't nobody got time for that.
  3. Looking at the recent releases of Rockstar most if not all were delayed, it's a good possibility.
  4. I didnt, my bad I guess still pretty cool hes in the game. what role do you think he'll have? If he really is in it, I bet he wont have too big a role, maybe just a drugdealer which you can visit now and again.... Thats true, but I bet that if you have a role in any upcoming GTA title, you'll have to sign some contract (I know these types of contracts have a specific name of their own, something with disclosure?ftw) which will make you keep tight lipped about it, you know how R* is with that shit. But I must say people, not only did i put up the vid, I am wondering if people prefer voice acting by well known actors/artists (think GTA SA, sam jackson, ice t, etc.) or by fairly unknown actors/artists (like in IV). Discuss!! NDA Non Disclosure Agreement, more than likely by saying what little he said he had already breached his contract.
  5. I never heard where he said he was in V, he told the wigger that he'd call rockstar and request to be a Radio DJ to please the wigger. Edit: found it it was a 5 sec line I missed it.
  6. You're techincally not supposed to but some store managers don't give a shit and allow employees and such to do it before you're allowed to. Kind of like breaking a street release date and selling it early (not supposed to but it happens).
  7. Yeah possibly. Here's the rest, anyone think they can match these to any of the faces we've seen so far: I think the actress described there might be that blonde being arrested; from the artwork. She's to young to be 56. Drugs make you look older not younger. (example Lindsey Lohan)
  8. Maybe had you attempted read this page you would've saw that picture 3 posts above yours.
  9. Not only that but the date is a saturday. Unless it's 4/5/13 then its a friday.
  10. Why does it seem everybody is so excited for a countdown?
  11. I know that feel I have to highlight so many posts because of it. I'm a total cunt Piss him off and delete the ones he spammed so he has to restart. i Luckily was the first to pre-order at my gamestop they only had 5 viewfinders.
  12. The helicopter physics weren't to realistic, if you touch a helicopter with anything you're fucked already. In IV you could smash into plenty of shit before breaking the blades or tail.
  13. Try again Monday, they'll say that so people will shut up and leave alone. That or the employees took them all.
  14. Southern Ohio. I didn't get near as much West Virginia had though