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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I'm sure there would be mullets in the biker/redneck DLC I'm hoping for. God damn it, Rockstar, just fucking give me a leather vest.
  2. Don't worry, you won't. It'll be 6.
  3. Massacre


    I posted the launch titles on the previous page, and the only games on that list that look good are already out on PS3 and 360. I doubt much will change by Christmas.
  4. Massacre


    As much as I'm annoyed by people who hate Fallout 3/NV for not being a dull, top-down, turn-based rpg, the guys at NMA know their stuff. I'm inclined to place my faith in them, despite how much I want them to be wrong.
  5. I like the Rat-Loader's speed, and it takes hard jumps (read: accidental drops) pretty well. It's a solid, tough vehicle. My Emperor was destroyed 10 minutes after I made that post, and I'm unable to get it back, despite getting full coverage. I want a beater Tornado, but I'm waiting to see if there's a way to get the convertible variant the Mariachi band drives in one of Trevor's side missions, with the guitars in the back seat and the Mexican flag stickers all over it. I need to grind some races at some point. I don't have turbo unlocked for anything. At all.
  6. Massacre


    I knew this day would come. My wallet is ready. Reference: http://fallout.gamep...rate_of_Puppets
  7. Most of my bikes have been posted elsewhere. Here's my beater collection. The Bodhi's wheels look a bit off under the bright garage lighting, but outside, the rust color and chrome look more like the other rusted parts and match nicely.
  8. It's great for classes that aren't worthwhile, like paladins or shaman. Seriously, fuck paladins.
  9. I'm shocked that hasn't appeared in a Saints Row game.
  10. Warrior. I already have a warlock and hunter in their 60's, a druid at 78, and a mage at 86, so I might as well level those properly. Hand-leveling a Draenei monk for the Alliance side of things.They're easy leveling, and the only full set of heirlooms I have. Fuck knows what transmog set will fit a Draenei monk on Draenor, though. The Auchindoun monks wear cloth with no spaulders, so I have no point of reference. Outland's leather sets are utter nonsense.
  11. A Diamond (or a real Phantom, for that matter) in anything other than black is fail. Even halfwit rappers know not to paint their Phantom.
  12. How does one acquire the Bodhi online?
  13. That broken bottle is now the official melee weapon of the Asylum MC. Bar fights incoming.
  14. You need gas tank 2 or 3. Also, a dark green paint job would help the look. Shame there's no suicide knob option that will end with you crashing at every intersection. That would solidify the Indian look.
  15. No consistent spawn that I know of, but they seem to turn up more in Vinewood, in the area between where a Suburban and barber shop are down the street from one another and the tattoo shop in the north. Glad to see you're actually looking for a bike. Stop dressing like a bitch, if you haven't already. You can't rock our patch in a suit.
  16. Excellent episode. That was a rather slow burn that came to a head very suddenly, in a way that I had hoped for, but chose not to assume.
  17. I tried Burger King's strips of random unwanted parts of a chicken, recently, in buffalo sauce-coated form. I do not suggest trying them. Too much sauce, sauce of dreadful quality containing far too much vinegar. 1/10. would be 0/10, but it was technically food. Also, their fish sandwich is much smaller than it used to be, and the breading has become chewy. I hate Burger King more every time I acknowledge it.
  18. There are three. The UFO over Chiliad lacks the same markings as the one in the desert. The one above the hippies' alien shrine has FIB logos on it. The one above the military base has English text on it and is a very differently styled craft, indicating that it was built by the military.
  19. It assumes that the reader is a hypocrite, or actually has use for police. I am not, and I do not. I'm sure it applies to someone, but I don't care enough to learn the opinions of others.