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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I found a Daemon pulling into the parking lot of the Los Santos Customs in Vinewood. Coincidentally, I was lamenting the Daemon I had just lost. The Barracks and Crusader have a good chance of spawning on the road after doing a couple laps around the outside of Fort Zancudo. They're most likely to spawn near the main gate, with the bridge and statues.
  2. I've probably been moved to their spam folder by now.
  3. I have been badgering Rockstar about it. I assume they'll cave once I hit email 250.
  4. You're from Long Island, you're not a real New Yorker. Don't be so defensive. That's like a white guy defending a honky when someone calls it a honky.
  5. They fuck you over. The garage cannot be part of the apartment. You have to buy a garage, then buy an apartment (or vice versa), which would replace the previous property.
  6. 'Fairly' tends to be the upper limit of a gay fellow's humor. Also, does England have an explanation for Russel Brand? I often feel like we're owed one. We cannot get rid of this guy. Believe me, we have tried.
  7. What's wrong with homocide? They like to kill gays. I'm not explaining the fencing thing to you. Either you're joking or stupid, and the latter has been thoroughly proven by now.
  8. That is a subject upon which no one will be elaborating. Especially not in that context.
  9. You two will meet up and fuck before the end of the year.
  10. Real women do. And make sure you wear a derby, that shit is class.
  11. It will ask you which car you wish to replace. If you want to replace one of your cars, never do it at Los Santos Customs, always drive it to your garage. Every time I try to buy a tracker at LSC and replace one of my cars, it replaces the wrong one, regardless of what I select.
  12. I have no idea why you put the word in quotation marks, as though Rockstar intended for there to be parkour. They obviously did not. The protagonists are a muscular hoodlum and two middle aged men, parkour has no place here.
  13. Hangar only stores one plane. I parked a helicopter on the helipad, right next to Trevor's Frogger, and just left it. Was available, but wasn't the stored vehicle. Was able to switch to the other, of course.
  14. You can access your character's bank account by visiting an ATM or using your phone's web browser to visit the Maze Bank site. Rockstar will be depositing the money directly into your character's bank account. Money you spend will come out of your bank account, by default. Your cash is listed in green, your bank is listed in pale green, almost white. You haven't been carrying your money around in cash all this time, have you? If you put your money in the bank, people can't take it if you're killed.
  15. This is for your GTA Online character.
  16. Avery's site is down in GTAO. Somewhat supports the idea that we'll have better housing options, either at higher levels or later on in the form of DLC. Fingers crossed for a shack in the desert or a ghetto house in East LS.
  17. Jax is definitely too soft in the first few seasons, but he grows into it later. I vaguely remember some backstory about how Jax made it to VP in the first place, but I don't remember well enough to justify his position in the early seasons. Chibs fits in extremely well, Juice has the personality of a prospect, Tig is legit, if you look past the comic relief aspects of the character. Bobby just seems burnt out from the beginning. Did you get far enough in the series to see the nomad chapter? The main nomad is a hardcore motherfucker, but doesn't say much. All in all, the usual television bullshit interfered with how the show turned out. They had to bullshit a lot of things and dumb down a lot of things so the average person could relate to the characters. I don't remember the patching over thing you're referring to, but I'm familiar with it in the real world. It does happen, usually to prevent bloodshed and keep a smaller club from getting wiped out like the dinosaurs, but it's rare. Typically, the clubs that matter can just scare the newbies and keep them in check without pulling a gun.
  18. Would it drift too far off topic if you elaborated? Curious what you mean. If you mean the way the MC acts, FX wanted Kurt Sutter to stuff some drama into the show, so the characters are kind of bitchy and unrealistic sometimes.
  19. There's a background color option in the tools on the left. One of the color options (top left corner) is transparent.
  20. If this is shit, what kind of touched-by-the-gods television shows do they have where you live?
  21. As far as I know, there is no way to keep a vehicle that appears in a mission.
  22. The avoidable server/cloud issues have now been replaced by regular glitches. I would rather have my cloud errors back than lose cars and money every hour.
  23. Does anyone know of a Daemon spawn online? The game replaced the wrong vehicle when I tried to put a new one in my garage, so the Daemon I spent hours looking for and thousands modifying is gone.