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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Loved that option. I reverted to high immediately, but I have a feeling I'll need low for motorcycles. Handy stuff.
  2. This is a general topic for posting any advice you have, things you've noticed that someone else may not have, or a place to ask for tips or advice. There will be a mission-related version of this topic in the Missions section if/when it is needed. To get things started, you no longer have to visit your safehouse to save your game, as there is a 'Quick Save' option in your phone. This may have been mentioned in the phone tutorial, but I didn't notice if it was, and someone else may not have noticed it, either. A quick save saves your game, obviously, but does not advance the time by six hours like saving at a safehouse does.
  3. You didn't really give much away, but, for future reference, put things like that in spoiler tags: [spoiler]Your spoiler goes here.[/spoiler]
  4. Holy shit. Non-story, but immensely awesome spoilers regarding one of my favorite characters from IV. Edit:
  5. I haven't been everywhere, so I can't confirm this just yet, but it seems as though every barber shop has the same options, which is a bit of a letdown, in Franklin's case. Hoping for a bit more variety for Michael and Trevor.
  6. Leave your family. Live the life Rockstar wants for you. Be happy.
  7. Without spoilers, how far along are you? I assume you need to reach a certain point (all characters available, certain mission(s) reached, etc.) before it becomes available.
  8. It was at first. Then terrible, terrible things blowing from the south. Damn it, Q.
  9. Just waiting for the install to finish. Then, I go where the wind takes me.
  10. Saints Row IV deserved five stars. GTA V just happened to get a shitty reviewer, hence the unacceptably low score.
  11. No, being a feminist makes her the worst person to review a game. Feminists are morons who see misogyny in everything and are incapable of forming an unbiased opinion. The score is just shy of perfect because the reviewer is an idiot.
  12. If this is true, then I have no issues, because Saints Row 3's driving was solid, but Franklin's special ability would be rather useless. Slowing time while driving would've been helpful in IV, where cars could barely corner, but it wouldn't be necessary if the handling is decent.
  13. I was kind of hoping someone who had a firmer grasp of the English language would make this topic. I'll clean up your post for you.
  14. They have never created a song that was not horrible. Everything they have ever done has been absolute shit.
  15. They're hidden until the game is out. Either Fitty derped hard, or he was fucking with the guy. I'm going with the latter.
  16. Calling someone dumb, using 'your' instead of 'you're.' Champion.
  17. It got pretty good once Eminem finally started rapping, but then 50 opened his mouth again and ruined it.