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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. 50 cents a day, but we need that money for our starving African children.
  2. When explaining the customization (or lack of) for Niko, Rockstar pointed out that the current choices would ensure that Niko always looked like Niko. Now their point is further clarified, because that barely looks like Michael at all. I have no issue with this, but that's what they meant 6 years ago.
  3. You always look like you're frowning when you rock a 'stache like that.
  4. I always get a call from some perky, female recording from Gamestop, telling me there's a midnight release. My Gamestop has midnight releases for everything.
  5. I don't post in them, I only lurk. I've never made a post outside of /b/ or /x/.
  6. This is clearly copypasta, but I don't go to /g/ for anything but battle station threads, so I've never seen anyone else post it.
  7. They don't need to help them. I have helped them all. They need only pay attention to the forums and not be stupid. Also, punctuation is nice. Commas are all the rage nowadays.
  8. Special ability. Michael sits on the hood, Franklin leans against the side, and Trevor has sex with the tailpipe.
  9. Jesus Christ, people, just read the fucking announcement before you all get yourselves banned.
  10. Did something happen to Rick Ross in recent years? The last time I heard anything from him, he wasn't bad. His subject matter is better than most modern rappers, at least. I'd rather listen to a fat guy pretending to be a drug lord than some chocolate-dipped skeleton muttering nonsense for three minutes.
  11. I'd love to know where you saw that, since it was confirmed months ago that Packie is not in GTA V.
  12. Malwarebytes came up clean for me, and I haven't had my adblock on since I got the warning message earlier today.
  13. Personally, I'm going to the midnight release solely because I'll have another 7 hours to play it before I have anything to do that day.
  14. Same. Had to refresh a dozen or more times, nothing but 504 errors. I never said there was nothing wrong, I said the site was safe. No one is in danger by coming here, malware or not. Nothing bad is going to come of this, other than the staff having to deal with people complaining about this benign issue.
  15. The best option for hydraulic controls would be the Saints Row 2 route. Honk the horn with the left analog stick, then operate the hydraulics with the right analog stick. Honk it again, the hydraulics stop and the camera functions normally.
  16. Setting aside the fact that there is no excuse whatsoever for not having some kind of ad blocker installed, the ads here aren't any more dangerous than any other site, so there's no need for that shit. The topic title alone is going to drive away anyone who doesn't know how to use the internet correctly. The server guy will sort it out, and there was no need to worry to begin with. Even if you don't know what you're doing and your browser isn't secure, you're not going to run into anything dangerous. At the absolute worst, it's a mild annoyance.
  17. Charge your phone, bring a drink*, show up at ten, try to find someone cool to talk to. At Gamestop, they might divide you into groups based on what order people arrived, in order to speed things up. This is stupid and doesn't speed things up at all, though it doesn't really slow them down, either. *If you're going to be waiting outside. Sometimes they let you wait inside, sometimes not.
  18. The "Ignore this warning" link didn't do anything? You shouldn't have to turn your security off.
  19. It's not, but we'll look into why Google thinks otherwise. The site is safe, I assure you.