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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. How would you come to that conclusion? As I said, it has all been extensively researched. There is very little in the estimates here that is questionable.
  2. Have a crew? Recruit for it here, don't start a new topic. Only post your crew once and use the edit button to change it if needed. The iGTA crew has been full since the day it was created, but someone occasionally leaves, giving us an open spot. Keep an eye on it if you'd like to join, I'm sure you'll get in eventually. TreeFitty edit: Fill out your profile here (PSN ID/XBL Gamertag) and link your accounts to Social Club. Then send me a Private Message on this website for an invite.
  3. This section, but not this topic. Your topic will be spammed, however, and I will not give a shit. You'd have better luck just putting a link in your sig. A few noobs and unregistered guests are bound to click. Edit: Actually, I'll just make a general recruitment topic for people to post in. Better than the forums being spammed with crew bullshit. Post #6000
  4. The previous 126 pages are filled with the answers you seek. Every inch of the maps that originated from this site have an explanation for their shape and the placement of key locations. Maps from other places just copied the ones here, with a handful of maps that are actually original (that drunk guy from gtaforums). CVG's GTA5 o'clock people are the worst offenders when it comes to copying fan maps. Really, GTA5 o'clock is the worst offender in any case. They really are just awful.
  5. That would be a Red Dead/LA Noire 'Grand Theft [insert Theme Here]' game, not a GTA.
  6. Hang on, let me merge this with another topic... Edit: Okay, there we go. That's not one building, it's a group of buildings. Fitty or someone else who has spent far too much time examining the landscape can elaborate. Or they can neglect to elaborate, I don't care.
  7. We have a section for multiplayer. If you want to recruit for your crew, make a topic there. Don't post links to your site and advertise your crew where it doesn't belong, that is spam.
  8. Massacre

    State of Decay

    They decided to put their resources into the MMO rather than multiplayer.
  9. Massacre

    State of Decay

    The sequel is supposed to be an MMO.
  10. These comics piss me off because they cover characters and locations we'll likely never see in a game. I want to play in Moscow and India.
  11. Russians are some of the most reasonable and agreeable people I've ever encountered.
  12. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I didn't mean it in that tone, but now that the blacks have reacted, I do, in fact, mean it in that tone. A little part of me dies every year when Comic-Con starts and I'm not there.
  13. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Nope. He was kidnapped and took an arrow a shotgun blast to the knee, then you rescued him. Well, you didn't rescue him, because they never released the first game on PS3, but, other people rescued him.
  14. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Nigga, you crazy. He only died at the beginning of 3. Unless you're counting the guy in the movie ending for 3, where they had some actor playing Johnny. Daniel Dae Kim, presumably. It's a shame the Saints Row movie never happened. It really would've been one of those 'so bad it's good' films.
  15. Massacre

    Saints Row

    They only brought him back once. : /
  16. It's her fault, clearly. No crime was committed.
  17. Massacre

    Saints Row

    They're going to have to make a game that isn't as ridiculous as IV. They really painted themselves into a corner trying to outdo themselves every game, but outdoing themselves by far too much.
  18. It's pretty safe to assume that they did it because the countryside or boring as shit, no matter where you are. If they didn't take some liberties and put more unique things in the countryside, the area wouldn't be nearly as interesting.