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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. If you make another post with gigantic letters, I'll suspend you for a week just for laughs.
  2. Massacre


    Been there. Radroach problem in my old neighborhood.
  3. Find whoever made the gif in your sig and tell them that it's a number six with extra dip, not extra sauce.
  4. Annoying voices aside, that's retarded. I would hate to see who they think is a good rapper.
  5. Massacre

    Mad Max

  6. You'd have to turn into the Hulk to fill in that much skin.
  7. You undersold your weight a bit. Also, quit smoking. Tobacco isn't good for a young hippo.
  8. Massacre


    Shit, man. That's quite a task. I have a fix for pretty much every glitch and error in the game. Fun stuff... Try the Pip-Boy Readius mod, if you weren't already using it. It replaces the Pip-Boy with a handheld device and gives you your left wrist back. It looks far too modern by default, so I use the Pip-Boy 3500 retex. Mind the different options. Dragbody makes pretty decent armor, if that interests you. http://newvegas.nexu.../?tb=mods&pUp=1 The Winnebago mod is a nice, portable safehouse. It's too shiny and pretty for Fallout, so use this with it. Then, there's Electro-City. Electro-City is a large assortment of mods that makes things all-around better throughout the Mojave, especially if you're running an ENB and have ridiculously dark nights. They add functional streetlights, more cars to the roads, etc. Go through their page and click every link they have, it's always something good. http://newvegas.nexu...m/mods/37908//? The other stuff I have is mostly armor and character mods, player homes, weapons. Once I've wrapped up my current files, I'll be downloading Project Brazil. It's a huge mod (1.2GB) that these people have been working on for four years, which is longer than it took Obsidian to make New Vegas. It's an entirely new questline in an entirely new area. You actually select whether you want to play New Vegas or Project Brazil when you start a new game. Despite the title, it has nothing to do with Brazil. http://newvegas.nexu...m/mods/45138//?
  9. Massacre


    They need to announce Fallout 4. I really miss having a regular discussion in here.
  10. Massacre


    I have the folders for all my games copied to an external hard drive, updated fairly often. Skyrim is probably worse, I'll have to count my mods there. Edit: Not by much. 150 even for Skyrim.
  11. Don't use 'the,' it significantly lowers your chances of finding what you're looking for.
  12. Massacre


    ^ My pool looks exactly like that. 139 here, not counting simple mods that don't have an .esp.
  13. The comic has always been about the characters, not the zombies, and that's what I expected from the show. I did not expect them to butcher the entire series at the end of season 3 and ruin the rest of the show, however. I really don't see things getting better after this.
  14. I just wonder why there are a bunch of gang members at a sawmill in the middle of the countryside.
  15. Massacre


    Finish that mod you were working on too, asshole.
  16. Massacre


    The dialogue is basically the same, it's just significantly dumbed down. There's a quest that involves repairing some things at a solar power station, and you can tell the scientist there "me here to fix shinies," if you have low intelligence. With normal intelligence, you more effectively explain that you're there to fix the solar panels.
  17. Massacre


    I'm alternating between a pair of ghouls at the moment. I like playing ghouls because I can pretend that everyone hates my character, but has to deal with him because he's a savior to whatever side he backs. I cheated with one character, a melee-user with low intelligence. I set all his S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skills to 1 except for strength and endurance, which were 10. I had to cheat, because you''re required to use the 33 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points you start with, so you can't set your stats that low without cheating. I also downloaded a mod that makes all his dialogue stupid instead of just certain lines. He's probably going to back House, because he's an idiot and will side with the most intimidating leader rather than form his own opinion. Oh, and I used another cheat to make him incredibly tall. My other ghoul is a sniper who supports the NCR. I haven't properly played a stealth-based sniper in a while. He's kind of a spiritual successor to my original Fallout 3 character, who was also a stealth sniper. As is always the case with Bethesda games, I've got half a dozen other ideas for new characters running around my head.
  18. Massacre


    Started playing New Vegas again. Skyrim made me forget how much I love this game. This is really going to help with the GTA wait.
  19. Yep, front guy is Michael. As was noticed months ago, Franklin is the getaway driver for that heist. I have no idea where Trevor would be.
  20. Guy in the front is obviously Michael, the other two are other people you can hire for the heist. Or the second guy is a well-disguised Trevor. I can't tell because you posted an image for ants and I can't be bothered to check the video again.
  21. See, the other posts were funny. Yours is not.