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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Finally, a smart one. What's food like in Portugal? I know nothing of your country, other than that it is home to promiscuous young people and everyone sounds like they're speaking Spanish with a lisp.
  2. Is that what most people are calling it? I thought it was shrapnel doing the Tony-Stark's-heart thing with his brain. Then again, I haven't paid much attention to this, other than the two trailers.
  3. You get the family discount. $200. Don't ask why I'm selling my family coats made out of scrotums.
  4. Burn down the place you rented it from. Then throw your shoes at the wreckage.
  5. "Warren, who was terrified he would end up homeless, even considered selling his testicle sac on eBay to help fund his treatment." Doesn't get much better than that. Wanna buy a scrote coat?
  6. Massacre

    The Sims

    *Builds an average computer for Mercy* *Successfully plays Skyrim on it* Maybe your computer was average in 2004? Now it's a really big paperweight. Enjoy your new rig, it cost $400 to build.
  7. Why would you ever do a thing like that? Don't watch that. Tie a rock to the disc and throw it into a river.
  8. I beg to differ. I have testicular cancer, and these fuckers are like ostrich eggs.
  9. Be nice to my son. Also, fetal alcohol syndrome.
  10. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Rub it on your junk = heat
  11. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Does it work if you're wearing a gas mask? That might make my decision for me. I don't want to deal with my Xbox telling me I have no face.
  12. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Because that's what you people are like.
  13. Massacre

    State of Decay

    I've been forcing my non-tank computer to run Skyrim on max settings (with mods for hi-res textures and an ENB) for a year and a half, I'll be alright.
  14. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Have you not seen the recent mess of fuckery the NSA has done? Don't rule anything out. On topic, I have no intention of using Move, or anything else the PS Eye might be needed for. I'm good.
  15. That's what it is. I was hoping people would drop the multiple-buffalo theory once car customization was confirmed, but no such luck.
  16. I think San Diego would have something to say about that. I did say 'noteworthy.'
  17. You'd better not be fucking with me. The best thing that could happen to that movie, other than dumping Jamie Foxx and fixing all the things they ruined about Electro, is cutting Mary Jane and the ugly bitch they have playing her.
  18. I don't really like trucks, but, that one. I'll take that one.
  19. Massacre


    I buy pre-owned games pretty far down the road. I got LA Noire for $13, Crysis 2 for about the same price. I wouldn't have bought either game for $60, which is the only reason I buy a game pre-owned. If I'm going to replay a game multiple times or I'm going to spend hours playing a single file, I'll buy it new. Pre-owned is for games I probably would never have played had I not been able to get them so cheap.
  20. That's incredible. They even made some of the pieces cracked and dirty. We all had a few of those in our collection as a kid. Hell, I even had the 1980's spaceman figure they made fun of.