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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    Loving that you get xp for building things. I gained an entire level just building a fence around Sanctuary Hills today. Place is a fortress now. I've also begun a mutually beneficial partnership with the Brotherhood of Steel. I'm liking them much more than I did in previous games.
  2. Massacre


    You should take a stroll around the area outside Diamond City. Peruse the aisles of a comic shop, perhaps...
  3. Massacre


    I believe there are three doghouses in the neighborhood. Once you find him, scrap all the doghouses except for the one you moved, that will ensure that he's usually easy to find.
  4. Massacre


    Check the various doghouses around the neighborhood, that's where I always find him. I moved one to the driveway of my house so I wouldn't have to hunt him down.
  5. Massacre


    Most useful option I've found for Protectrons is to set them to law enforcement. They'll kill hostiles, but recognize you as a civilian and not attack you.
  6. Massacre


    My armor and weapons are as upgraded as they can be at my current level. Have to reach 13 and 16 to upgrade any further. I'm nowhere near Diamond City, though, thanks to my constant scavenging and crafting. Every time I reach a new location, I end up filling my inventory and having to go back to Red Rocket to store shit. I'm not looking forward to leaving Red Rocket for a new home, and having to make 20 trips to transfer all of my junk.
  7. Massacre


    All of your junk items contribute to your materials, if you store them at Sanctuary's workshop. Remember, junk items aren't for selling anymore. Other than that, open workshop mode while in Sanctuary and scrap anything that's outlined in yellow, or anything that you simply don't want there. I acquired over 1000 wood and metal simply by cleaning up the junk items in the neighborhood.
  8. Massacre


    1100 pounds and five trips later, the Corvega factory is completely empty.
  9. Massacre


    I'm only clearing the outside so far, but the Corvega factory is going pretty smoothly. I'm racking up a lot of ironsights kills with the laser musket, and I'm finally managing some stealth melee kills with my serrated switchblade. Since this is going so well, I imagine I'll be viciously raped, once I actually go inside.
  10. Massacre


    So, you know that thing that's supposed to happen, after you acquire power armor for the first time? Yeah, I didn't get to do that. Found it dead, on my way out of town. Never even saw it crawl out of where it's meant to.
  11. Massacre


    There are a lot of small camps and hidden loot caches just between there and Red Rocket, I noticed. One of them even requires a few seconds of thought to open. It feels like there's a lot more to find than there ever was in previous games.
  12. Massacre


    Well then good news! You've already cleared an area you'll need for a future quest.
  13. Massacre


    I fucking love how armor works now. It's a little frustrating that you can only layer a handful of armors (that I've found, at least), but Armorer paid off immediately. Once I find leather right leg, I'll be sporting a full set of Shadowed Leather. Not having the best luck with weapons (to be fair, I haven't even been to Concord yet), but my armor came together nicely, and in very short order. If anyone's found the small farm settlement south/southwest from Red Rocket, make sure you pass the target zone (keep it far away and on your right, and the water on your left), and head for the northern edge of the map. There's a scrap yard of sorts there with something that will make the outside portion easier. Make sure you eject the holotape, I think it might be hostile if you're not carrying it. In order for it to work, you have to wait (using the wait function) or sleep for an hour. It wouldn't budge, while I was watching it. There's a Fat Man in some junk behind him, and one of the enemies at the target zone had a minigun, so make sure you're not loaded down with loot. The workbench in your target zone is safe to store things in, as are all workbenches, as far as I can tell. I can tell from the teddy bear scene that bOnEs has already done this quest, but you can still make use of this thing that I'm trying not to spoil. Note that it can be sent to several places, so it will come in handy later in the game, if you keep it functional.
  14. The two posts above yours answer your question. You asked earlier, it's just on the previous page.
  15. Massacre


    My stealth character has been derailed, somewhat. I won't be able to get my hands on a good sniper rifle for a bit, it seems, and there are more important perks than Blacksmith, at the moment. On top of that, I got my hands on a heavy-duty double-barrel, so now I'm operating on a high-risk, high-reward style that has me sneaking into point blank range for a headshot. It's paying off, thus far. I've also been fortunate enough to find some decent-looking armor that suits my current style. Looking wasteland as fuck. Still operating out of the Red Rocket outside Concord. I've cleared the drive-in, but I refuse to use a safehouse with a sniper nest until I'm actually a sniper.
  16. Massacre


    Haven't run into anything particularly dangerous yet, but melee seems functional, for now. I'm sure that'll be ruined, once I get past molerats.
  17. More are always welcome. We can be a bit abrasive at times, but we've become more welcoming, as social media has drawn people away from forums and endangered our future. Anything to keep your home intact, right? Welcome to our little corner of the wasteland. I do hope you're social.
  18. Massacre


    Well, a radstorm has blown through the neighborhood, shortly after leaving the vault. Anyone know how long these things last? Shelter obviously does nothing.
  19. I didn't know we could still draw new people here. I assumed we were relying solely on old members, at this point.
  20. Massacre


    I seriously feel bad for Pete Hines. Guy's a fucking superhuman, having to do PR for Bethesda and not blowing his brains out yet.
  21. Anyone who has a legit $30 million is the GTAO equivalent of a unicorn. A $30 million price tag sounds like a trap for people who glitched or hacked money. Unless, of course, Rockstar has something special planned to let us acquire these funds.
  22. There hasn't been a single reputable source indicating so. Asians do statistically have smaller penises, however.
  23. Massacre


  24. Shitty superpower. But hey, it's not the worst power you could have.