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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    Two USB ports are visible on the front. S'all I got.
  2. It could definitely use some polish. And someone competent doing the demo. Looks good, though.
  3. I would be fine with Ben Foster. He would be a less bulky and more cartoonish-looking Deadpool, which I wouldn't mind. But Fassbender wouldn't work, and Jake Gyllenhaal ruins everything he touches. Anyway, yeah, R.I.P.D., comedy, etc.
  4. The Deadpool movie should've been made three years ago. I don't know why Ryan Reynolds wastes his time on shit like this, it's just delaying it further.
  5. We'll see you buying a PS4 and playing this 12 hours a day, negro. This game looks incredible. I've never seen a post-apocalyptic game that looks like it takes place so soon after the 'apocalypse.' I would play the shit out of this. Seriously, this is the kind of game I was waiting for. This thing is a console-seller, more so than any other game I've seen at E3 so far.
  6. You know these images are on our site, right? You don't need to link to that shithole. I mean, they're right there in the OP, you don't even need to go to our image gallery.
  7. The 'beard' is shadow, and those lines are part of his haircut, you can see them in his trailer. He's probably had them all along, but I didn't notice them until the Franklin trailer.
  8. Still a damn fine video. That guy's no Kevin Butler, though. They need to bring him back.
  9. Massacre

    XBOX One

    ^ I've already seen that on Twitter.
  10. Nah, I need a keyboard. My bosmer is going to have to run around yelling about how the Aldmeri Dominion is superior, and I can't type that shit with my controller as often as I'll feel the need to say it. PC it is.
  11. Rockstar needs to implement a crude slap-your-face-onto-your-avatar feature in V, so I can run around with the bOnEs face.
  12. Throwing this in here, in case someone missed the conferences. Same stuff in a new package, but the package is so fucking pretty. I want this shit. Bad-like.
  13. Massacre


    I'm extremely confident in the PS4, and with that price, I don't need to be so picky about what games are out before I buy it. I'm thinking once I have the money to spare, I'll set it aside, then buy the PS4 when Second Son is out and I'm not hopelessly addicted to GTA V anymore.
  14. Massacre

    XBOX One

    It's nice they sprung for a full-color headstone.
  15. And people said the Xbox One was ugly. Holy fuck. The next gen certainly won't be the stylish one.
  16. Your grandmother is magnificent. But don't call her 'Grammy,' you proud american.
  17. They made Plants vs. Zombies into a shooter with co-op, and surprisingly, it looks very fun.
  18. I assume anything you wear in a mission will be available at any time. You didn't wear anything in IV you didn't get to keep.
  19. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Live Demo on Spike in 10 minutes. Edit: Apparently not. They're doing Thief now. What shit. Okay, here we go with the demo.
  20. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Definite purchase in a few years, when Fable IV is finally out and the One has hit around $199. Fuck, I hope they announce Fable IV today. Fable: The Journey isn't even a real Fable game.
  21. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Ryse is all that's looked good so far. Sunset overdrive looks like they wanted to make a zombie shooter just for the hipsters. Some shitty racing game now. I dunno what it is, but it's a racing game, so meh. Edit: It's Forza 5. Still meh, but there you go.
  22. Ryse: Son of Rome actually looked pretty good.