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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. This is actually looking pretty good, now that I've actually seen some details. Open-world, in a desert. I think this one might actually be worth my time. Just not for Xbox.
  2. Thanks to my DVR, I can be a lazy bastard and still see all this shit. Spike is covering today's conferences from 12:30 to 5:30 EST. For you non-TV folks (bOnEs) I think there'll be a live stream on their site. Anyone know where there will be streams once E3 proper starts Tuesday? Since G4 died, I have no idea who covers the actual expo. Spike just covers the conferences.
  3. With a season that dull, I had anticipated something in the finale to make up for it.
  4. It has four eyes, just like its father.
  5. Q, there are too many things on your floor staring at you.
  6. The season finale was tonight. It was dull. The season finale was dull. The previous episode was the only decent one the entire season. I don't understand the popularity. Until someone gets killed, it's just a show about various people sitting around various tables talking about how they sat at a table and talked to other people the week before. I would've quit watching after Drogo died in season 1 if there were anything else on TV on Sunday. Oh yeah, that's a spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen the show. One of only three decent characters dies in the first season.
  7. My post was quoted, but there was no response to it.
  8. Second one doesn't look all that good. First one was solid. Would get a few replays out of me. *Looks into how to do this on PS3*
  9. New York pizza sucks. Chicago wins that feud.
  10. Your work shirt is pretty cool. I like their logo.
  11. To be fair, pretty much everything else Clooney's been in has been complete shit.
  12. Clearly, he works for Rockstar. How else would he know that GTA V is the best game ever?
  13. Fitty did better by himself than any other site did with their entire community. Especially CVG, who just had some kid color someone else's map for them.
  14. Massacre

    State of Decay

    This is now the second fastest-selling Xbox Live game in history, right behind Minecraft. Over 250,000 copies in 48 hours.
  15. You need to look through the mapping topic and then rethink what you just said.
  16. Massacre

    State of Decay

    Let me know when it's out on PC.
  17. If you're watching Spike TV, coverage starts Monday, but I think the event is the 11th-13th, so I dunno what they're doing.
  18. Personally, I'm a fan of the Outlaws, and I don't like the Hells Angels. The Mongols are cool because they're heavily Hispanic, which is rare amongst MCs.
  19. The only preview I read was CVG (because it was the first on the list). It was in that one.
  20. Saw the Dying Light trailer on GameTrailers TV last night. It's a real shame the game is first-person, but it still looks good. Zombie-infested area, and supplies are being dropped, with people making a mad dash for said drops. The trailer ends with "Good night, good luck." Anyone else think this is the only zombie-infested area, and people are surviving in it as a kind of game show? I swear I get a game show vibe from the supply race and that tagline at the end. I'm probably completely wrong, but that's what it felt like to me. Kind of like The Condemned, but with zombies.
  21. Don't get the Complete Edition. Don't fucking do it. Buy them separately.
  22. Game companies need to hire the people that make ENBs. No one would've knocked IV's graphics if that had been the default lighting.