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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I would. And I would find it hilarious. Years later, I would look back fondly on that moment, just because it gave me a few seconds of laughter.
  2. Massacre

    Saints Row

    They actually did a trailer right, for once. Made the game look a lot better than the previous trailers did, and still kept the humor. I like it.
  3. Hey, I gave actual advice. Shit was helpful.
  4. Italians are the blacks of white people. I'll let a black guy join my MC if he lets me join his Blood set.
  5. Get a small box fan for $10 and aim it at the PS3. All good. Also, if it's sitting in an enclosed TV stand, move it somewhere else. Keep it in open air.
  6. Heroin doesn't cause rage. Heroin is one of the most mellowing things you can take. Trevor is clearly a meth man. That or they made up some new redneck designer drug that Trevor takes in pill form. If it's drug-induced at all, of course.
  7. That's what happens when a kid tries to sneak into a bar in Liberty City.
  8. Never smoked a cigarette, haven't smoked weed in over a year, but since I was 16 years old, I have never been without a lighter on my person. You should always carry one. I usually have one on me, seeing as they are about $0.25 and can be useful at times. Plus, it's always fun to light a classic Bic lighter with a flint. Also, having never smoked a cigarette is quite impressive. I tried that one, but haven't smoked a cigarette since due to the lack of appeal of it for me. Growing up around secondhand smoke was more than enough to keep me away from cigarettes, though I'm sure my lungs are fucked anyway. I find tobacco disgusting.
  9. Was there any time travel? I really want a goddamn Shatner cameo, and it's never going to happen if they don't keep time travel involved.
  10. Massacre

    Saints Row

    He does say in the first Saints Row that he has an 8-inch penis.
  11. Never smoked a cigarette, haven't smoked weed in over a year, but since I was 16 years old, I have never been without a lighter on my person. You should always carry one.
  12. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I voted for that statue. I can't tell who they decided to model it after, though. Hopefully Gat. Unless they're planning to bring him back somehow in IV, his death was horribly downplayed.
  13. Caught a rerun. Not bad. Almost makes the previous episodes in the season worth the time. Also, I have no idea who the fuck any of these people are, other than Tyrion, John Snow, and the chick with the dragons.
  14. I've been watching this whole season. I miss one episode, and something good finally happens. Fuck this show.
  15. It was my first post, it had to be stupid. He seems to understand the site better than I had anticipated. Jolly good.
  16. Unfortunately, Illidan is painfully underrepresented in the books. Arthas covers the Warcraft III Arthas/Illidan encounters, and pre-demon Illidan gets a mention in the Stormrage novel, but that's about it. Confession: I've never run Black Temple. Started playing WoW late-Wrath, never got to run the old content. My monk is ridiculously durable, so I'm currently soloing all those old raids. Molten Core is about as difficult as a fetch quest when you run it at 90.
  17. Become a photographer. Bitches love having their picture taken.
  18. You probably have. The right music, car, and outfit for each mission really immerse you into the situation. It makes the game a lot more fun.
  19. What I listen to in IV depends on what I'm doing or who's with me. My passengers always listen to their preferred station. Any other game, I've just listened to whatever. In IV, I listen to Vladivostok at the start of the game, listen to Tuff Gong or Massive B while doing Jacob's missions (even if he's not in the car), Brucie can go fuck himself, so I listen to whatever, either of the two rap stations or San Juan Sounds in Bohan, The Beat once I start the Playboy X and Dwayne missions, Liberty Rock Radio when I'm doing missions for Packie, and I pretty much only listen to The Journey once I get into the ULPC and mafia missions, unless there's a mobster in the car, in which case I listen to the jazz station. In TLAD, I listen to LRR, unless there was a song I didn't feel like listening to, or I had something heavy to do, in which case I listened to LCHC. In TBOGT, I listen to a mix of The Beat, The Classics, and San Juan Sounds, with Electro-Choc thrown in when appropriate. I listen to The Studio when Tony's in the car. But, my favorite is TLAD's version of LCHC, followed by The Journey. The Journey was the perfect station to listen to while speeding through Algonquin as Niko.