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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Necromancy excites my undead nether regions. This series is a definite purchase for me once I've wrapped up the second Elder Scrolls novel and a couple other things. You ever read any of the WoW books, cuda? Arthas: Rise of the Lich King is highly recommended. Rise of the Horde and Beyond the Dark Portal are good, too. They all have their flaws - Arthas can get Jaina-heavy at times, Rise is from Durotan's point of view (I don't like Durotan or Orgrim Doomhammer), and half of Portal is from the Alliance point of view - but the books are still solid.
  2. Massacre

    Saints Row

    The outfit and sniper riffle (which ended up being a full auto rifle) made it into SR3, originally as a download that came with the game guide, then later as regular DLC. I'm not sure why the game itself never happened. Shame, it looks fun.
  3. That ENB is incredible. It makes IV give V a run for its money. Hell, imagine the inevitable ENB for V.
  4. Massacre

    XBOX One

    Most people will be using it as their coffee table. Not much fading happening there, especially given how often I accidentally bang my shin on my coffee table.
  5. ^ Pretty much the same as my first phone. Fucking life noobs, all of you.
  6. It'll be easier to find what you're looking for if you leave them like that.
  7. Oh, it's going to be on PC, not just 360. Well then, I care about that game now.
  8. Well, yeah. Browse a porn site sometime. Women love cucumbers.
  9. I don't want to delete all this, there's some good stuff in here. Might as well put it in another topic. *Looks around*
  10. He has a few bathroom mirror selfshots, too.
  11. I'd really like to discuss this zombie thing further, but this isn't the topic for it, and I just know people will lose interest if I make a new topic for it. Meh. Someone else can make a topic if they want, then it's not on me if it dies. That seems to be what The Last of Us is shaping up to be. I'm not sure how much survival is involved, though.
  12. For the most part, yeah. But I still want more, because I'm holding out for a game that does it right. RDR was close, because people were defending their settlements and whatnot, but I'm waiting for a game that takes it further. I want to survive, not play an FPS with zombies. I can't remember the title, but someone was working on a downloadable game (might have been 360 exclusive, unfortunately) where you had to find supplies like food and fortifications for your base, and find survivors to help the base grow into a community, amidst a zombie apocalypse. That's the kind of game I want. I want the zombies to be an obstacle, but I want survival to be the focus. I spent a lot of time roleplaying in Undead Nightmare, gathering imaginary supplies, finding safe places to camp out, saving towns. It was a lot of fun. Also, Thieves' Landing was the safest town in the game. I spent a lot of time looking around every inch of the place, thinking about where fortifications and barriers should be, etc. Still waiting, game industry. Still waiting...
  13. Johnny's having a deep moment.
  14. Are you actually using the mobile version of the site? Don't do that. Don't ever do that.
  15. In Vice City and San Andreas, it was still called the Patriot, despite being a military version. No need for a different name.