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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Massacre


    Hey, you sound like a good wife to me.
  2. Massacre


    Actually, there's an ending where they return from their journey and help Novac, if you use your science skill to adjust the rockets' trajectory to be more accurate. It's the only way Novac has a somewhat positive ending.
  3. Massacre


    To be fair, The Elder Scrolls has nurtured that sentiment since the beginning. There's always been a quick and easy fix for vampirism or lycanthropy. Bethesda would just need to make it clear that there's no going back. On a semi-related note, at what point do you folks think that one is officially a ghoul? As soon as the skin starts to fall off? When it's all gone? The first time someone recoils in horror or disgust? Or perhaps the first time they call someone a smoothskin. Maybe it's purely mental. There was the guy at the RepConn facility in New Vegas who thought he was a ghoul just because his hair fell out. It makes me hope for a companion or just an NPC who has no idea that he's a ghoul. Never even acknowledges the possibility of it. He's fighting for survival, just like everyone else. No time to lose sleep over a little skin condition.
  4. Massacre


    Like I said, someone catches enough rads to ghoulify, they had plenty of warning and plenty of time to do something about it. Besides, your radiation level limits your total health. A casual won't have enough health to survive anyway, if they're that irradiated. Also, there's no cure for ghoulism. Ghouls are healed by radiation. That's some cellular-level fuckery.
  5. Massacre


    Anything not released by Bethesda is leaked, so, yeah. There aren't really any spoilers in it, unless you count brief glimpses of locations you aren't familiar with, with their names on-screen in a language you don't speak. Also, I re-watched the video. He crossed the map from top-left to bottom-right, not west to east. His location marker wasn't immediately noticeable.
  6. Massacre


    Lots of content today. Here's a guy crossing the southern part of the map (where it's most narrow) as quickly as possible. 11 minutes, but it should be noted that he gives up after reaching the southern border, not the eastern border that he was heading for. Also note that the map is more narrow in the south than the north.
  7. Massacre


    Official screens from Bethesda. Absolutely love the rain effects.
  8. Massacre


    Spoiler-free PS4 screenshots. Not mine, of course. Not the best graphics in the world, but it looks damn good, nonetheless. I'll be more than happy to stare at it for 500+ hours.
  9. Massacre


    I've always thought that would be a good idea. If you become irradiated enough to turn into a ghoul, you were being extremely careless and fucked up severely (or you were helping some redhead with autism write a survival guide), and had plenty of opportunity to stop it.
  10. Fallout 4 next week, and you still haven't done a post-apocalyptic night. For shame.
  11. Massacre


    Fallout doesn't have a social fanbase like GTA. If Fallout "fans" do get together, it's only the vocal minority. Case in point: NMA. I just get my news from Twitter.
  12. Massacre


    The guys at NMA are twats. Most of their members have a permanent vendetta against any Bethesda-made Fallout. I thought I'd be done with this a few years ago, but I'll say it again: Anyone who thinks Fallout could have stayed a top-down, turn-based rpg and still been good or successful is a moron with glued-on nostalgia goggles. Learn trends, learn the industry. There's a reason a Wasteland sequel took 26 years and was purely crowdfunded.
  13. Massacre


    When do we get custom dildos?
  14. Massacre


    I accept reimbursement in the form of sexual favors and/or baked goods. Bring that beard over here, Dup...
  15. Massacre


    THIS IS THE BEST THING. Available exclusively at Target November 10th. Really sucks it's not available now, because I don't have a Target in my town, so I'm going to have to make a side trip to get it. Wish I could just grab it ahead of time.
  16. Driving the new cars feels like GTA IV. They handle like absolute shit, is what I'm saying.
  17. Apparently the new masks are disappearing from people's inventory randomly. Do not purchase masks until a hotfix has been released.
  18. Halloween content sounds like it'll be even more my thing than lowriders. Already made one slasher DM. I suppose I should see what else I can come up with. How high does attendance get, on crew nights? Maximum. I feel like trying to accommodate 30 players makes some of my jobs suffer, so I'd rather limit them to the maximum number of people that would be playing on a crew night.
  19. I like how a logo from the "surprise" Halloween DLC is on bOnEs' shirt. Nicely done, Rockstar.
  20. Massacre


    If people want it that bad, it can be modded in, anyway. There's a mod that adds 4-player online co-op to Skyrim.
  21. I'll probably end up doing them with randoms. Don't have it in me to bother people and ask them to give me a hand, especially when I don't know who has and hasn't done them already. The first mission (which you're forced to do with randoms, anyway) went alright. I wasn't responsible for any of the failures, at least. Also, that is a damn fine Primo.
  22. Too many photos incoming. Primo: Moonbeam: My pride and joy: Edit: Three more, because I love my Voodoo's paintjob.
  23. Massacre


    Todd Howard doesn't fancy himself a "rockstar." He's a story driven RPG nerd, and he knows that. Now, if he ever steps down so some new blood can take over, we're fucked.
  24. Massacre


    "Money ftw" isn't a style that Bethesda has any use for. Unlike GTA, their single player stories have longevity, replayability, and are open to heavy modding. If they do an online Fallout, it won't be Bethesda, it'll be Zenimax, who made TESO, and that will let us know to avoid it.