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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Fuck, I certainly hope so. I'd gif that shit and keep it as my sig for eternity.
  2. I want to play as Trevor and ride a carousel in my underwear.
  3. The Buffalo looks the same, only the paint job is different. Also, the first and third pics are the same car.
  4. Oh, it wasn't disputed. I double-checked and enhanced for no reason. Fuck. Well, at least I have something to link back to when the subject comes up again.
  5. He didn't put her in an armbar, he was just wrestling the remote away from her.
  6. I swear I've put a question mark in the topic title half a dozen times now. *Does it again*
  7. Let me guess, you were Jay Rock's No.1 fan because he was your boy in da hood, and then the new trailers released and you said: 'thumbs up if you were bumpin' this before GTA5!1!!' I was bumping Waylon before GTA V. OG, honkys, etc.
  8. The poster at the end of Franklin's trailer is a shoe print, and there' a Pro-Laps logo in the bottom right corner.
  9. I think I've mentioned it here before, or it might have been on the old forums, but the Families (Grove Street was just one set, the gang as a whole wasn't called Grove Street) were more like a brand (Cluckin' Bell, Sprunk, etc.) than a character or anything else that couldn't appear in the new games, so they could potentially return.
  10. By clicking 'More Reply Options,' you can attach the image, or you can go to an image hosting site like and upload it there, then post the image url in image tags: [image] [/image]
  11. He posted the same pic somewhere else in here. Possibly on the old forums. And he still looks like a hitchhiking tweaker.
  12. Everyone has their own reasons for clicking the Like button. Whatever the reason, if you hit your quota, you're liking too much shit.
  13. Sure you can, just stop going out of your way to blow them.
  14. Re: The like quota, stop liking so much shit. Problem solved.
  15. Massacre

    Saints Row

    You can thank Obama for your inability to purchase the 'Merica gun. Those were supposed to start rolling out next year.
  16. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Pre-order bonus is lulz-worthy and epic. 'Merica! http://www.gameinfor...ef-edition.aspx
  17. I'm seriously considering passing on AC4 temporarily and getting this instead. It's basically the modern-day Assassin's Creed I've been wanting for years.
  18. Already in transit. Free of charge, as a thanks for notifying me of that lighthouse.
  19. It used to be a racial slur. Ast took it back.
  20. 'Definitely' has to be one of the most misspelled words on the internet...
  21. I feel like you've gotten Rockstar mixed up with Volition. I should throw that idea Volition's way.