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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Bottom right is actually a shot of a chick getting cummed on.
  2. I don't understand why you felt the need to quote me. The second part of my post made that same point much more intelligently.
  3. A painter can be put under an NDA, same as anyone else. Rockstar tells the company the cover needs to be hidden, the company tells the painters to keep the artwork to themselves. Besides, these pics would never have surfaced if the cover weren't about to be revealed. This isn't a leak, it's a teaser.
  4. Can't wait for this. This is going to be one of the best season finales of all time, if not the best.
  5. I doubt R* keeps mural painters on call. It's the same company that does all the other ads on that building, I'm sure.
  6. You're talking about surviving a fall like it's a bad thing. Why would you want to die when jumping into water? You'd jump out of a helicopter, land in the water, die, say "oh, look at that," and never bother with it again. Dying when falling into water falls into the category of 'pointless realism.' It wouldn't benefit the game in any way if they 'fixed' it.
  7. I can't imagine anyone would make fakes of the mural being painted on a wall, and I can't imagine them doing it that well, so I'm willing to wager that it's real. The box art should be revealed before that mural is finished, then.
  8. All you fuckers need to be legal. I'm tired of feeling like I'm babysitting. Babysitting a bunch of retarded kids, no less.
  9. Interesting. Kids in the 12-14 age group call the immature ones 9 year olds the same way adults call them 12 year olds.
  10. It's Fallout 4. I can say that with relative confidence. They've been hiring for a while. They're not going to release two games in a row from the same series. Fallout was an exception because New Vegas was made by another company, and it gave them time to work on Skyrim. Merging this into the Skyrim topic. Once The Elder Scrolls VI is announced, I'll just make the Skyrim topic a general Elder Scrolls topic.
  11. Well, your avatar is from a screenshot, while the other image is taken from the second trailer. It's like the shots of Trevor climbing the letters of the Vinewood sign, or the helicopter screenshots - same action, different time and angles.
  12. I imagine very few of the windows you'd pass in that mission are even interiors. Most likely they're a diorama of sorts, and can't even be accessed. The interiors will be as big as they need to be, and likely no bigger. Rockstar isn't big on wasted space. With the exception of the various shops, there weren't any interiors in IV - that I can think of - that weren't used in a mission, so if V does the same, then they'll only be big enough for what they're being used for, plus some added things to make the place appear bigger, like the 'dioramas' above. There will be other spaces (not necessarily interiors), I'm sure, like the outdoor mini-mall in San Andreas. I would like to see the end of interiors that can only be accessed in one mission, like the bank in IV, or interiors that can only be seen in a cutscene, like the prison visiting area. I should be able to go there any time I want.
  13. Well, Michael isn't rappelling past the other windows. No need to make a full interior.
  14. You got a like for your post (which you basically requested). I think that's a suitable reward, no ebonic shouting needed.
  15. It's fake. No store has that poster, and the art style is very different from the others.
  16. The Game Informer preview mentioned Trevor pouring gasoline on a truck and setting it on fire, but I don't remember if the wording made it clear whether he can do that whenever, or if it was a cutscene.
  17. They did a MySpace parody in IV, which is the same shit as far as I'm concerned. Eddie Low had a page, and there was another for a middle aged man posing as a teen girl. They also parodied Twitter in the form of Bleater, but it was only used in a stranger mission in TBOGT, I don't think you could actually access the site.
  18. I should make identical characters in New Vegas and Skyrim, just because both games have a Roman-inspired Legion for me to join. I have a High Elf assassin who's doing the Imperial thing. He's a highly trained assassin employed by the Thalmor to ensure that Imperials win the civil war and that both sides burn through their supplies and lose enough men to keep them weak. Because the Imperials aren't meant to know he's Thalmor (he is posing as an independent Altmer whose loyalties lie entirely with the Empire), his entire history is a secret, and only the high ranking Thalmor who sent him to Skyrim know who he is, so he still runs into problems with the Thalmor agents in Skyrim. I did some of the main story, because I had to take out the Dragon outside of Whiterun to progress with the civil war, but as far as his story goes, the Dragonborn thing never happened. My Wood Elf, whom I've mentioned several times, had retired to a cabin outside Riverwood after beating the main story. His beard had grown thick, his hair long, and he looked rather gruff. He set aside his handmade armor and dragonbone bow and arrows, and was living a simple life cutting wood and selling animal hides and meat, but was thrust back into action when two cultists working for the first Dragonborn attacked him. After finishing the Dragonborn DLC, he travels throughout Skyrim, completing every quest he finds, because Miraak's attack taught him that an adventurer's work is never truly done, and as long as there is strife in Skyrim, he will be there to fight it.
  19. I just want you guys to know, I've killed a shit load of whales this month.