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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I have a mod that adds various cosmetic items to the horses, and I'm sure there's a mod for your other equestrian needs. Visit the Nexus, you PC-inclined bastards.
  2. Assuming you have the Hearthfire DLC, of course.
  3. You can join any and every faction, and own every home. You can't leave any faction.
  4. I can't remember ever using a horse for anything other than making key moments more cinematic. After the Dragonborn DLC started, my wood elf rode a horse to Windhelm, all 'shit got real'-like. With my two main characters being a wood elf archer and a dark elf thief/assassin, it just seemed more fitting to travel on foot.
  5. If Fitty ever posted a pic of his face, I would learn to mod, just so I could put his face on the firefighters.
  6. I have said something like this before in this topic. But it has been deleted. Some posts of mine have been deleted for no reason if this is going to be deleted too, I just re post it. If i dont come back tommorow, then i probably am banned or something. (just sayin). PS I have also said that about the protagonist before it was anounced. Thanks for reading. Your post wasn't deleted, it's on page 3. And no post here has ever been deleted for no reason. We always have a good reason.
  7. He should mod himself into GTA V when it eventually comes out on PC. Then put bOnEs' face on Trevor.
  8. Massacre

    Saints Row

    That wasn't directed at you, though you do fall into that category.
  9. Massacre

    Saints Row

    There were several shots of the protagonist sporting a suit and doing political things. I'm not really sure how they're going to handle the story on this one. Enter the Dominatrix, when it was first introduced as a DLC for SR3, had a Matrix vibe, both in the title and that the whole thing had a simulation feel to it. I'm curious if aliens and superpowers are the proper game, or if they're going to be retconning some of the unnecessary parts of SR3's storyline by claiming it was part of a simulation. If not, it seems like the aliens are going to be SR4's version of S.T.A.G. I'm very iffy on this whole thing. Despite what some people (dumbasses) say, SR3 was a great game, the series still has tons of potential, and I don't want to give up on it because they made a lazy copy/paste of SR3. I really hope the previews in the coming months put my fears to rest.
  10. Massacre

    Saints Row

    True Crime has always sucked. At least Sleeping Dogs sold well and has a chance at being its own franchise.
  11. Well, they didn't show much of the desert and whatnot in the first trailer, just the city. It makes sense he wouldn't have been in it.
  12. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Re-watched the trailer, pausing between all the pointless text frames to better investigate the game. Same clothing, only a couple new additions. Steelport looks exactly the same, other than the signs being changed to reflect the presence of their new alien overlord (Seriously? ). Same cars, same graphical quality. It looks like all they're doing is charging $60 for the $20 DLC.
  13. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Re: Your status update: Rockstar wouldn't have known when Saints Row IV was going to release, and they wouldn't have delayed their game to have its release be closer to SR4's...
  14. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Wow. Way to make an entire game that just looks like an expansion. Of course, it basically is an expansion. Originally, the Enter the Dominatrix dlc - which became Saints Row IV - was going to take place one year after Saints Row 3. For an expansion, that's fine, but unless they've changed it to be five years or something, I have a problem with it. Five years passed between Saints Row and Saints Row 2, and they use what they referred to as 'comic book development' to explain why so much had changed in the city in only five years. The number of changes made re-using Stilwater okay to me, but I can't see much changing in Steelport in such a short amount of time. I'll buy it, because it's free-roaming, and I can sink several hundred hours into it, but I'd better see some damned impressive shit between now and August. Edit: Oh, and it was a stupid move releasing it so close to GTA V. They could've had a chance if they had done something original, but copy/pasting SR3 isn't going to win the battle.
  15. If it makes you feel any better, he has an extremely small penis.
  16. Congratulations, regardless of the government's godawful visa failings. I know all about that shit, albeit with another country. Also, fuck you for looking like such a suave bastard all the time.
  17. Is the girl your import? I remember a status update about a visa.
  18. Massacre


    Fallout logo tee for me. The Vault-Tec shirt is nice, but I'm not paying $35 for a shirt I would have to explain to people. Also, no Legion shirt? Shame, Bethesda. Shame. A black tee with the old world flag on the back would be nice, too. I'd buy that right away.
  19. I knew the first time I saw one of their commercials that HughesNet would be shit. They had a mandatory $400 installation fee at the time, anyway. Edit: Well, I guess that's okay.
  20. I'm not counting anything Tosh.0-related, only his standup. And if that's what you meant, I still don't particularly care.