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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I don't have 24 minutes to watch some chick that looks like she prefers pussy talking about why men don't want to get married.
  2. I didn't know there were still guys dumb enough to not have their fiancee sign a pre-nup. Maybe that isn't an option in England or something, I dunno. If not, that's another thing about your fucked-up country that needs to be fixed. On the subject of marriage in general, any woman who flat-out expects you to propose is a cunt. That type of girl just wants someone to support her and spend money on her, and I don't feel the slightest bit bad for the moron that gets sucked into that shit - you're just as weak as she is. We're well past the point in human history where marriage is a social obligation. Men don't need to take a wife, and women don't need a man to support them anymore. Not in America, not in the UK, not in any country that isn't an ass-backwards, third-world shithole. No one needs to be married anymore.
  3. What can be done there, exactly? I've finished the main quest on one of my secondary characters (I started with my Bosmer, but felt the urge to play through it with a Dunmer character), but haven't spent much time around Raven Rock. I need to post a few pics, show off my characters. This is my archetypical, traditional, Nord Dragonborn. I wanted to do a playthrough that better fit the game lore.
  4. If only I could take that house and put it on the aforementioned island.
  5. I do prefer mountains, but that island is hard to pass up. I mean, $1.2 mil is a steal. Canadian dollars, no less.
  6. I want to travel to Canada and build a cabin like the one I have in Skyrim. And always wear a loincloth.
  7. Shovel? SHOVEL?! You don't shovel a magical frozen wasteland like that. Get sled dogs.
  8. That's it? I strip down to a loincloth and hunt mammoth in that weather, you pussy.
  9. Massacre


    I am well aware of that. But, to my knowledge, Sprint is the only company that doesn't have a data cap, and streaming or downloading games will obviously burn through data like mad. Most rural areas still don't have broadband, and you're lucky if you can get a 4G signal out there.
  10. Good video. Big fan of the music. I remember you posted some other music, was a couple years ago. Good stuff.
  11. Massacre


    They would never make streaming your only option. A huge chunk of the market doesn't have broadband internet, they'd lose a ton of money.
  12. If they make a sequel to RDR, sure. The game is about heists. I don't think we need to sell coyote pelts to supplement our income.
  13. Canadian shit. Just grab your complimentary plate of flapjacks and wait for the maple syrup barrel to come around.
  14. Glad we're all well and good. Okay, gents, back to racist jokes in the offices and sexual misconduct in the bathrooms. And the supply closets. And the smoking area. And the stairwells. And the elevators. ... and the offices.
  15. Massacre


    The separated points on the PS3 controller's D-pad is much better, I think, and like Dup, I don't like the analog sticks. Also, I personally don't like the Move or touch pad additions. Neither seem necessary to me - the function, or their presence on the controller.
  16. Well, the way it was worded, it sounded as though you were saying that people here shouldn't join gtaforums because it would make the site look even worse. If that wasn't your intention, then fine, no harm done. You must understand that the regular members here - myself, especially - are protective of the site and community. As I said, if no insult was intended, then we're all good here.
  17. Coming here and needlessly insulting another member when you've barely been here for more than 24 hours is being a cunt. I simply told you what to avoid while here, no one accused you of anything, and you responded by not-so-subtly calling another member stupid. You're the one who started the problem here.
  18. Being a cunt isn't going to do you any favors.
  19. We don't tolerate the kind of stupidity that runs rampant over there, so we have a harsher reputation than the other sites. Don't advertise for them or talk about how much nicer they are to the stupid ones, and we'll be fine. I have spoken, lads. Don't pick on him unless he's asking for it.
  20. That's like living in a group home for the mentally disabled.
  21. Wasn't it originally set for May? Meh, who cares about one month? It's not like they pushed it back to September or anything...
  22. I am very pleased to have the opportunity to work with my favorite Daedric Prince again. My new home is lovely.
  23. They probably want to focus on the Merle-Daryl duo to build hype for the upcoming game. Daryl will find his way back into the main group soon enough.
  24. Massacre


    That would be ideal, in my opinion. Especially if they offered a blank 1tb drive and gave the console the ability to transfer data from other games' drives onto it. Every game I own on a single flash drive? A man can dream...