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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Oh, right, there's an MMO. I'm still happy with WoW, but I'll play this if it's free-to-play. I'm already looking at other ftp mmos. The more, the merrier.
  2. Go to a busy place like gtaforums. Now, ignore all the moronic noob posts, count only the good ones. Do it that way, and you'll see that they're not even half as active as we are.
  3. It comes out tomorrow. Don't tell anyone. In actuality, I have no reason or excuse for knowing as much as I do about the game industry.
  4. Developers get debug consoles to start developing games before the console is anywhere close to release. The consoles need a decent lineup of launch titles to make them worth buying, after all.
  5. That would be impossible, since we don't have a release date.
  6. It was on the last page. It's been dead for over a year; no worries.
  7. Merged with Arkham City topic.
  8. I can't say. It would change a lot of ongoing investigations.
  9. Bonus points for the shot of him selling to Jeff Hardy.
  10. It occurs to me I should probably get my 'traditional' Nord warrior up to date. Haven't played him since the first month the game was out.
  11. Then they should only drink it or show it in the dark. Or just throw the strontium isotope in there.
  12. The Quantum is too dark, and too blue. Should be a washed-out violet color.
  13. If the UK is anything like America, you have a much better chance of being a doctor than the white folk do.
  14. Massacre


    Even if it were CGI (it'll probably be live action), it still wouldn't fit on Cartoon Network. Forgot about AMC. I'd be happy with FX or AMC. Actually, since FX doesn't really do heavy makeup and monster stuff (American Horror Story is the only thing that comes close, and they keep it realistic), I'd say AMC is more likely.
  15. Massacre


    Ideally, they would go with HBO, Showtime, etc., but it would limit their audience. FX is probably the best choice.
  16. Massacre


    Saw that on Twitter. Really hoping this thing becomes a reality, and that a good network picks it up. Fingers crossed for FX.