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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Actually, the guy behind him gave him the handjob. She was just caught in the crossfire.
  2. *Looks at time this topic was started* Does no one else moderate when I'm not around? *Locks*
  3. Dup, you are a giant kid. I admire that. *Has a kid so I can buy toys*
  4. As though that isn't used in every discussion of Microsoft doing something shitty.
  5. Re: ball gag - koneko's Hello Kitty ball gag still wins it.
  6. So he can't really be called a guardian per se... I suppose he's an angel. Just a regular angel. Of God, or of He Who Walks Behind The Rows, or of the Walkin' Dude, or of the Devil, or what have you... Guarding doesn't necessarily relate to protecting, guarding just means watching over. He knows John's past life and may even be pushing him towards his eventual fate. Red Dead Redemption. He served as a neutral guide for John's journey, appearing only a handful of times, ultimately leading John to his redemption.Dunno why I quoted you, Vicey. On my phone, text box is fuckery. But this post group is what I was after.
  7. I'm a vanilla man, myself. I understand your country is terrible and doesn't have Vanilla Coke.
  8. Related shit is related.
  9. Will probably stick with Sony this time around (unless that used game thing goes through), but I would be the first mofo slicing wires if I had an Xbox and this Kinect thing happened.
  10. Shitty move by M$, of course, but only a moron wouldn't think to just unplug their Kinect if this goes through.
  11. I like Snake in the box. I don't like MGS, but I liked The Orange Box. And people underestimate the effectiveness of hiding in a box.
  12. I'm hoping for, and somewhat anticipating, a minor inventory system, similar to Red Dead Redemption. A couple health items, other miscellaneous items, and maybe even weapon selection from an inventory menu.
  13. We're just supposed to laugh at noobs and wait for a real release date.
  14. That topic is for people to post YouTube videos of shitty music they're listening to. This topic is for people to say what shitty genres they like. It won't be active long. *Doesn't lock* The metal topic is the only good music topic here. Edit: *Watches someone else lock topic* That wasn't necessary.
  15. Massacre


    Bethesda doesn't acknowledge things you had a choice for in previous games. They'll cover mandatory stuff, but not things you could change, because they don't want to change your personal story. It's possible they could make an exception, since killing him was a random action and not an option for a quest.
  16. *Murders people* *Does not go to hell* *Watches TV*
  17. He knows it's a shithole. Everyone does.
  18. Every time you quote something, it's being quoted twice. I don't know what the hell you're doing, but you're doing it wrong.
  19. Same here. I feel old now, I was in Middleschool before Flash drives were big. I had to carry around a floppy disc for school. This will be useful for me because I like to have a back-up of everything important and being able to have it on the go easily will just be amazing. Ditto on all that shit. Everything on my external drive will soon be in my pocket at all times.