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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I'm more likely to run around attacking people with a dildo than try to blow up a car by shooting the gas tank.
  2. Spoiler tags are mandatory. Always assume that no one at all has seen it. I've had to put spoiler tags in posts you've made elsewhere, too. On topic... I don't think I've seen an episode since the first season.
  3. A semi-automatic pistol is the only weapon you can silence that won't still very clearly sound like a gun. I support the idea of a lack of mass panic when firing a silenced pistol, if there is a silenced pistol in the game.
  4. Massacre

    Computer help

    Go to someone else's house and acquire your chosen OS by other means. Means that violate the rules to talk about.
  5. The Lost & Damned has a better story, but it's not as fun as The Ballad of Gay Tony.
  6. The wrecked Manana and fat guy in the plaid shorts really sets off the beauty of that pic.
  7. Massacre

    Computer help

    If you're willing to disassemble, yes. On my laptop, the hard drive would need to be pried open, there are no screws. Yours might be different.
  8. Massacre

    Computer help

    The hard drive is usually on the right, just below - or, technically, in front of - the keyboard. If you hit the right side of the keyboard, it's like that's what happened.
  9. No, you posted it in general. It is now in the section intended for mutliplayer event/clan discussion.
  10. General Discussion is not for GTA discussion. *Moves to correct section*
  11. I'm semi-enjoying it. But I can't shake the feeling that i haven't found enough. *Rips hair out*
  12. It's not as bad as the Mercenary shit you directed me to a couple years back.
  13. You want one of my dick? I like to draw different face on it and make my own comics.
  14. Do you have a rough estimate of how many are possible? I have... some undisclosed number.
  15. honky, you nap in hammocks, you don't listen to them. Gtfo.
  16. ITT: I make fun of everyone's bad taste in music. D-O, Sexy, HBW, and that other guy are the only ones who are safe. Oh, and Cy, if he says Manson.
  17. Massacre

    Computer help

    Have you forcefully struck your laptop recently? I broke my laptop when I bumped the hard drive disk out of place. Still haven't bothered to fix it...