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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Rihanna is a dirty whore. My favorite band is the cantina band from Star Wars.
  2. Massacre

    GTA cars

    So do the homes of many of our members. That does not make them cars.
  3. 5. Max Payne 3. The only game in the series I've played. Pretty good game. Didn't even think about it until I realized I didn't have a solid top 5. 4. Mass Effect 3. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Was disappointed with the ending. 3. Assassin's Creed III. Again, thoroughly enjoyed. First AC game I've given a second playthrough. 2. Borderlands 2. What a masterpiece. I usually can't stand first-person shooters, but I enjoyed the first game in spite of that, and the sequel has been extremely enjoyable. Unlike the first game, I actually care to explore everything and do side quests. Fucking love this game. 1. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria... It just wouldn't make sense to people who don't play WoW, so I'm not going to make a tl;dr post explaining it. But it's my GOTY. Honorable mention: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Not as bad as I though it would be. Pretty much a knockoff of Fable in a lot of ways, but pretty decent. Best DLC: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard. Nuff said. Game you were hoping would be good, but knew it wouldn't be: WWE '13. God damn, I wanted to love that game...
  4. Oh shit, here comes the noob speculation... *Dives behind sandbags*
  5. So when I visit LA, I need to make sure I take out the security cameras before I begin my sniping spree...
  6. Massacre

    GTA cars

    Since this isn't really about GTA V... *Moves to Other GTA Games*
  7. Always been an Electro fan (not so much when it comes to that costume), so I'm pretty annoyed by this. Heimdall I could ignore, but you can't take an important villain and fuck up his character. It won't be Electro, but black, it'll be Jamie Foxx, acting like Jamie Foxx, in Electro's costume. Still hoping they reboot Daredevil, with a decent cast. Or, at the very least, stick Bullseye into another Marvel movie. And I still have my fingers crossed for the Deadpool movie working out okay. I think we need a general Marvel topic. Might merge the ones we have currently. I find megathreads more useful than individual topics.
  8. $40. I might pick that up before Absolution. Hope I can wrap everything up before GTA V, because I won't be playing anything else after that.
  9. Who do I have to threaten/kill/jerk off to get in on all this free stuff?
  10. ^ He'll blow you, anyway. ... Gimme that fucking Rubik's cube, Fitty.
  11. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    *Wonders if Al Snow is unlockable in WWE '13*
  12. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    Pics. Also, I made myself in WWE '13.
  13. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    Pretty sure there's something in the options menu that allows you to change reversal rates, etc.
  14. Beatnic, you are a true paragon of humanity.
  15. It has a chance to be something interesting and original. MGS bores me. Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow are the only parts of the whole series I enjoyed.
  16. Yeah, because, you know, music has nothing to do with opinion. Opinion doesn't mean shit when it comes to a soundtrack. It's not about what you like, it's about what fits into the setting and makes it feel how the developers meant for it to. If people want to fuck that up to listen to the kind of shit that's been posted in this topic, fine.
  17. Got my monk from 79 (55% to 80) to 81 (74% to 82) last night. Used to take a few hours to get to 81. Now, I'll be close to, if not, 84 by the time I finish Hyjal. Pretty excited for this one. Have been looking forward to getting my pandaren monk into Pandaria.