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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I wonder how fucked the posts would be if I merged this and the post-apocalyptic planning topic.
  2. It's the kind of little toy car that Britfags would drive. Still valid.
  3. Leave them alone. The British are very defensive when it comes to their their toy cars.
  4. I've never seen Oz... but I hear there's buttsex.
  5. If it contains vampires and doesn't butcher their lore, I'll likely watch it. My only major issues are how they handle vampire blood/turning, and inaccurate use of werewolves.
  6. This is only the second DLC. Well, the second real DLC.
  7. They really should have had Ving Rhames play Pope. Instead, we get Mercutio from the Leo DiCaprio/Claire Danes Romeo and Juliet. I mean, he was good in that, but still.
  8. Edgington is the shit. One of my favorite characters. Season 5 spoiler...
  9. Hm, this comes out the same day as the new Skyrim DLC. Skyrim comes first. This will wait until after Christmas, when I have some sort of gift card.
  10. So, Max Brooks, who knows how a real zombie would act and function, writes World War Z. It is adapted into a film, and the creators ignore his wisdom and make the zombies running, jumping, climbing, tidal waves of flesh. Fucking stupid.
  12. Opie, from Sons of Anarchy. Might explain why later, might not.
  13. Pretty much everything I get will be for PS3 now, because my 360 is a proud american and won't get online. But, as previously mentioned, I'll be getting this for PC.
  14. Good enough. PC version, here I come.
  15. ^ Hesitant to respond to that, since there's still chance it could happen with someone else in the next episode.
  16. When I was in Gamestop on Black Friday, I saw an ad for this. There was a quote from some site or magazine that said "It's like Skyrim with guns." So, I'm interested. Tell me things.
  17. I'm not sure why they do the show in the first place. They have nothing to gain from it. I mean, I like watching the shows, but if those people were smart, the shows wouldn't even exist, because no one would be on.
  18. Doomsday Bunkers is an incredibly valuable source of information. I now know exactly where to go and who to attack and rob if the shit goes down. If a rich asshole is dumb enough to build a bunker near me, he deserves to have me take it from him. I have yet to see anyone on these shows who doesn't have holes in their security, mentality, or overall strategy.
  19. You're responding to a post made over a year ago, by a member whose account no longer exists...