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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Actually, you can't, because you made a topic about ATS a while ago and apparently had never heard of the real conspiracy sites on Tor. Then there's the fact that this topic isn't about Tor to begin with, which invalidates that whole post.
  2. *Makes joke about croissants*
  3. They are unbearable. I would punch myself in the testicles thrice daily for as long as we use this site if it would make them go away.
  4. I don't particularly care if he's in the game or not, but I think Yusef is a plausible character for a cameo. Maybe Gay Tony gave in and franchised Maisonette 9, and Yusef opened a location in Los Santos. Or some other reason I don't care to make up.
  5. Massacre


    But culture didn't diverge from how it was in the 50's, and technology turned out how people in the 50's though it would.
  6. Light skin is for QDs. Make dark the default.
  7. There was supposed to be a logo there before the skin ever went live.
  8. Okay, that is almost certainly a prison in the upper right of the rotors. Couldn't tell from the aerial view we had before.
  9. Working is for QDs. *Hacks to max level*
  10. I wouldn't even notice. I have never been playing a game, looked at a tree, and thought, That's a shitty-looking tree. This interferes with my enjoyment of this game. So, meh. I'll let other people fret over the trees.
  11. I hope the flora remains entirely unchanged, because I don't give a shit about trees.
  12. Massacre


    The Chinese stealth suit is the only thing that doesn't fit what Americans thought future tech would look like back in the 50's. Also, who the fuck knows that the Chinese thought future tech would look like. The stealth suit may be dead on.
  13. Tell you what, Q. I'll do this puzzle, and if I get it right, I also skip round 2. It's a great deal.
  14. Massacre


    I could. Probably should. All it does is store them someplace I can't even see.
  15. It does look like a lot of trucks from that same era, now that you mention it. I'll have to watch the trailer again. That screen makes it hard to tell whether I'm looking at a car/truck/whatever.
  16. Means the city covers more ground, but there won't be as much shit stuffed into the city as Liberty City had, and will be more spread out.
  17. I'm 99% sure that's the Hustler from San Andreas, which was a 1934 Ford Model B, I think. Edit: Nope, wrong windshield. Still sure it's the Hustler, but not sure what the real-world model is. The San Andreas version was definitely a Model B five window coupe.
  18. People really ought to use smaller sigs. *Edits*
  19. From Game Informer's Q&A: Aaaand... go.
  20. I'll split the money with you if you can convince Q to just give us the card.
  21. If he doesn't log on and post this shit by 15 after, I win by default.