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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Enjoying the naval missions. Currently collecting the Captain Kidd trinkets to get a few more missions. I think I hate sequence 8 more than any other part of this game. Mostly because the entire ordeal could have very easily been avoided.
  2. Really? Abovetopsecret? Get on Tor, and visit the Hidden Hand. If that site is even up anymore. Tor sites go on and off like a shoddy power grid.
  3. Are the boxes in your notification options still checked?
  4. I get tired of the wilderness because, unlike Skyrim, there's nothing to do in AC's wilderness. Kill an elk? Killed 20 on my way here. Attack a Templar convoy? Why, so I can get less money than I'll get from these elk skins? Meh. Fingers crossed for a modern-day AC... one day...
  5. To be fair, if LS isn't big enough for people, it's mostly the fans' fault. I saw a lot of bitching about wanting countryside back, not a lot of bitching about wanting a bigger city. *Shrugs*
  6. For some reason, Connor decided to pick up a dead guard's axe instead of looting his corpse. Unlike a musket, he didn't put it down. He sheathed it. Now, just like Captain Kidd's sword in my previous game, I have this awkward-looking gigantic weapon that I will never use sticking out of my side, and I can't un-equip it, or bear to look at the fucking thing, and there isn't a single sword or axe I can replace it with that doesn't look just as stupid. This was half the reason I started a new file in the first place. Fuck this, game over. Edit: Oh, Fuckin, A. Hitting triangle with a large weapon while in combat makes Connor drive it into their skull and not pick it back up. Rant withdrawn.
  7. PETA doesn't have 'regulations.' They have no control over anything that happens in a video game. But there still won't be dog fights.
  8. Did what I needed to do. *Naps in the break room*
  9. This shit working or what? I got shit to do around here, you honkys.
  10. You ever gotten food from a taco truck? Constipation will be your greatest dream after eating that stuff. Worth it, though.
  11. No, I don't like Maccer. But the masturbation. You gotta respect stamina like that. Guy just keeps going.
  12. Skyrim lags because Bethesda is notoriously bad with lag and other issues on PS3. GTA V will be solid.
  13. Pathos was the fledgling rapper. Gets shot in the stomach, you drive him to the hospital.
  14. Maccer would sort of work, but he's not as iconic as Love Fist.
  15. Massacre


    Metallic clamp of the bear trap, wet S sound of the head coming off. Makes sense to me.
  16. Replaced with a mural of Love Fist. ... I have no idea, but that would be cool.
  17. I think I like that taco truck almost as much as a Mr. Whoopee truck. Trevor will love it. Wondering what the ice cream truck will be called, since it was Mr. Tasty in IV.
  18. Massacre


    Because I am a mod and can see all these deleted posts making the topic longer, that long-ass comic has appeared 3 times on the same page.
  19. The tattoo on his knuckles (left hand) says 'you.' Edit: C'mon, Jamie, you're a mod; you set an example for these poor fucks. You can't go around posting in grey text. *Edits*