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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Take the lower docks on the left, run along the right at the first group of guards, going around them, then go left and stay left, going to the left of the barrels, jumping to the lower dock at the corner. When you get inside, climb the wreckage to the right, go across the beams, run over the scaffolding, slide under the wall. Chase is easy from there.
  2. The mission is for the FIB. They're taking someone from the IAA (CIA) building.
  3. Seems about right. They departed from the FIB building, though, so that pic would be the end.
  4. Modern day, various cities around the world. It's time. Then my dystopian future prediction in the one after that.
  5. See, to me, those are just waiting to have random shit shopped into them. All that open space? It needs a scene.
  6. You really shouldn't preview threads. It's being looked at.
  7. Your hairline is receding. I don't see many SML victories in your future.
  8. You have one post. There is no data to suggest that you have a tendency to participate in things. I dispute your claim.
  9. Massacre


    Leap of faith failed.
  10. Massacre


    Please tell me you landed in the tub.
  11. There is way too much urban area for it to be real. It sounds like the countryside/desert is going to take up most of the map, and that map is about 70% urban. And that's aside from the name issue you mentioned, and there's no Blaine County, either.
  12. Rick's reaction to the last episode is much more disturbing in live action. I am a fan.
  13. Gnome mage, Pandaren monk, Forsaken (Undead) rogue. My rogue is currently my favorite.
  14. For the record, you'd look pretty cool in hipster glasses.
  15. This is only vaguely related to this topic. Fits better in the animal topic.
  16. I have a mustache. It is attached to a beard. Also, there's no such thing as faggy scarf month, so I still need an explanation for that.
  17. Bro, you got some dirt on your lip. And a faggy scarf on your neck. I'd hit it.
  18. No tailor, just visit any general store.
  19. I have merged all of the plane topics. Enjoy.