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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I don't know what these puzzles will consist of, and I'll probably find that I am too lazy to do them, but I'm in. And just so you know, if I win, I'm not spending the gift card on GTA V. ... I'm spending it on a dildo, and the supplies I would need to make it into some kind of tiny flying machine.
  2. ^ Started a new game just because of that. Not doing the last missions until I've done everything else there is to do.
  3. R* hasn't finished the ferris wheel cars yet. It's very complicated technology. *Snickers*
  4. No, he doesn't, and neither do you, because no one is making any more off-topic posts.
  5. How did you level your monk? I'm at 75 (got bored in Outland and Northrend, and I always do), and still enjoying it. I'm having more fun leveling than I did with my rogue. Oh, and a word of advice to any aspiring monks: Take windwalker spec at 10, then buy dual spec and switch to brewmaster at 30. My brewmaster is pretty much unstoppable. I always pull as many mobs as I can when questing. I actually do better fighting 3+ mobs than one at a time.
  6. If someone says to get back on topic, you're off topic, and a mod is just going to come in and tell you to get back on topic anyway. So, if someone tells you to get back on topic, mod or not, do it. Stay on topic.
  7. Browser shouldn't make any difference. I'm not sure what's causing it. Try clearing your cache (Ctrl + F5), that clears up all kinds of shit.
  8. I love it when people lurk before joining, and know what's coming. You will do well here, despite your lack of a soul.
  9. Yes. I wanted his name to be OJ Barrack Snoop Dogg Obama Smalls.
  10. Seems to me like being insane and blowing shit up are his personal beliefs.
  11. This will end up needing to be merged, but I'll leave it for now. On topic, I see myself preferring Trevor over the other two. He's a very chaotic character, which fits my personality well.
  12. The black guy is still 'black guy' to me. What kind of black person names their kid Franklin?
  13. Interesting. Since I seem to be the only one with a subscription, i suppose I should post this page.
  14. That link was posted hours before the cover was revealed. Not sure why you all didn't go there first.
  15. That's a shame. Good thing I have a subscription and can read it all in order. *Reads*
  16. Yes, the magazine was posted early, and you noticed it. What skills you have. --------------------------------------- Here are the last three pages.
  17. It is not 3pm. We have been lied to. Alright, well, fuck you all. Going to go take a shit and read this article.
  18. My guess is that Ned and the redneck die. Black guy's the main protag, Ned Luke becomes a close friend, is killed when the redneck betrays you, you seek revenge.