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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. A white guy stealing a black guy's bike. That's a new one.
  2. Cortana repulses me. She's been leading Master Chief on for years. They both know they can never fuck.
  3. Massacre


    My vault has evolved to the point of selective breeding. Only my best and brightest are allowed to reproduce. My weakest dwellers are being sent into the wastes unarmed; they either meet success or die. Survival of the fittest.
  4. Massacre


    I'm currently at 40 dwellers. Had an incident Sunday, in which I opened the game and found that all of my food and water were gone, and every dweller was at 60% health with radiation poisoning. Not sure what happened (can raiders attack when you're not even playing?), but we sorted it, and I managed to squeeze out a 74% rating from my dwellers.
  5. Massacre


    Female children take the father's last name, male children take the mother's. Not sure if they'll inbreed or not, but I figured I'd use this naming process to make it easier, if they don't. Jericho is dominating the wastes right now. He's just as good in Shelter as he is in Fallout 3.
  6. Massacre


    We should be able to organize raiding parties against other vaults, to pick up the slack in resource production.
  7. Massacre


    Is the game guaranteed to throw you a bone, early on, or did I genuinely get lucky by unlocking Jericho in my second lunchbox? Also, I can't maintain my water supply. Half the women in the vault are pregnant, and these bitches are thirsty.
  8. When I used to grow, I treated my plants better than a normal person would treat their newborn baby. People who intentionally grow shitty weed for a quick profit are scum, just like corporate assholes at video game companies who don't care how much a franchise suffers as long as it makes money. I don't believe in getting involved in an industry that doesn't have personal meaning to you.
  9. I suppose I would still have an advantage. There's something ridiculous like a 27% sales tax on weed, in Colorado. People seem more drawn to legal shops than dealers, though.
  10. Definite and immediately noticeable improvement.
  11. You have a spoiler in mind, Brian?
  12. Massacre


    Always meant to, but I'm too lazy to fuck with all those files. I broke New Vegas, and needed to do a clean reinstall of the game and all of my mods. That was two years ago, and I still haven't done it. My odds of playing AToTW are not good.
  13. Ah, Weev. Your fourth was not in my friends list, wasn't sure who you were heisting with. Fuck you, Weev.
  14. The BlackFin is a beautiful car. Unless you leave the roof on it. Then it's a hideous abomination.
  15. I regret not renewing sooner. Pacific Standard and the prison break are the only heists I've done. I doubt Rockstar has anything new coming anytime soon, so maybe they'll cycle through the heist bonuses again, once this week is done.
  16. Down for heists. You guys know regular crew night isn't my thing.
  17. I'm pretty sure the cop cars crashing into us was the only thing that damaged me, once we got into the Kuruma. I should probably do the first heist and unlock that, at some point...
  18. Windows made a taskbar that isn't an eyesore? That's a first.
  19. Hadn't actually counted them. Jesus Christ, 46 interior matches. Gonna have to change your name to bReAcHz0r.