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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I hate when games do that. I like to know exactly how much health I have left, otherwise I'm trying to remember how long I had left the last time my screen was that red or black and white.
  2. Framed picture of Bender > pictures of family.
  3. I've already started a new game. Felt cheated I didn't know I could dye my robes until sequence 12, and made the mistake of picking up a sword, which clips through my robes and wouldn't even get used. The tomahawk, bow, and hidden blades will carry you through the entire game. Hell, you could do it with only the blades. Also, I want that tomahawk. Bad.
  4. The reload time on the crossbows annoys me, but my archer uses them until I get the better bow later in the DLC. Downloaded a mod that makes it a bit better than the daedric bow, just so it's worth the effort to get.
  5. I really should make a heavy armor user, because that armor looks badass. I have my archer, who wears light Dawnguard armor, and my assassin, who wears vampire armor. Assassin used to be a magic- and dagger-user, but even he's an archer now. Bows are too fun, and I'm too good with them. I need to switch it up. Arcane warrior. Heavy armor, conjured weapons, miscellaneous spells.
  6. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    I haven't played one since Smackdown vs. Raw 2007, have no idea what they're like now. If it isn't that good, I'll probably put the money on Hitman: Absolution instead.
  7. One more coming, gents... Trailer on Monday.
  8. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    So, anyone have this? I tend to receive gift cards for Christmas, trying to narrow down the list of what might be worth the use of said gift card.
  9. The statistics I made up for the sake of this discussion say there's an 86% chance the second trailer drops before the new GI issue.
  10. I think they got San Andreas in 2006. Edit: 2007. January 2007.
  11. Anything exclusive is going to America or the UK. They don't have shit.
  12. Stoic's a made man. No ban for him.
  13. Well, we have more Americans. But, there's only the one trailer at the moment.
  14. Nope. Countryside isn't that big of a deal to me.
  15. I don't know what to make of what I just saw. But... I don't think it's a spoiler to say that this story isn't over.
  16. MP3 had only multiplayer DLC. Any multiplayer DLC whatsoever is a complete and total waste of time and resources.
  17. I'm on the last sequence, and I just found out you can dye your robes...
  18. Massacre


    What ENB is that? New Vegas is simple enough that an ENB won't melt my GPU like it would in Skyrim.
  19. Was responding to... I accept apologies in the form of cash and indentured servitude.