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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. It is out on the 8th. I'm just saying I'll try to sort it in a week. Dunno what's wrong with their site/subscriptions.
  2. Don't blame Rockstar for shit. It's Take-Two. It's always fucking Take-Two. Rockstar would do better as their own company. They're completely independent, to my knowledge, T2 just owns them.
  3. Those are volcanoes, dumbass. (This isn't funny without the context from the previous page. )
  4. Oh, it was you. Thought it was a new member at first and was all harsh. I'm here if you need cuddles, bagey.
  5. Game Informer is being shit and won't let me access the digital issues. Will try and sort it in time.
  6. That's not a volcano and it's not erupting. That's the mountain's reflection in the top of the viewfinder.
  7. Not only was that way off topic, but formatting technology is apparently beyond your grasp. Paragraphs are your friend.
  8. Just finished sequence 10. I rolled hardcore last night.
  9. Read the wiki to see what happens in Brotherhood, but absolutely play Revelations.
  10. Apparently, I was not clear enough before. Stay on topic. As with last time, the next person to make an off-topic post gets a warn and a 24-hour suspension, be they noob or vet.
  11. Dunno why I bothered with all that, but, there you go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Get back on topic now, gents. Or at least put something on-topic in your post. This has gone on far too long.
  12. I try to read them, but I have an older SDTV, and I can barely read anything with the tiny font they use.
  13. Well, I am 1/4 Irish. I may have a cousin I need to meet. Also, being a part of historical moments I actually know about (had to do research with Ezio's adventures) is pretty epic.
  14. That outfit isn't functional at all. Not enough freedom of movement, and you'd stick out like a sore thumb, or like the erections of anyone watching you.
  15. Finished sequence 5, on my first proper Desmond mission. Holy fuck, this is fun. Hoping there's a lot more modern-day action to come.
  16. Hey, I was right. Mostly. Putting this in spoiler tags, since it's sort of spoiler-ish...
  17. I've got nothing going on for a while. Will be on this until 4am or so. Was doing shit throughout the day today, have to catch up to everyone else.
  18. Call of Duty 2013 edition? Only if V ends up sucking like IV did. Otherwise no one will realize COD2013 has been released cos they'll all still be playing V. Look at the best-selling games, books, movies, etc. of the last decade or so. People are fucking retarded. Twilight alone is testament to this. 2013's CoD, sadly, will still outsell GTA V.
  19. I heard the conversation at the end of the sequence, but not Spoilers, I guess... monologue in the loading screen after you went back into the animus.
  20. Dying in a hurricane > Living in the midwest.