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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Good luck pulling that shit off now that everyone's old. You can't get lookalikes, not for those actors.
  2. I couldn't read the subtitles in the loading screen after that. Why the fuck they needed to have her speaking her native language, with white subtitles, on a white background, I don't know. So, fuck knows what she said.
  3. Massacre


    Yeah, I don't remember if there are any usable beds.
  4. Holy shit. Was not expecting that.
  5. Less competition. Edit: Fuck you, Edge. Re-edit: Jesus Christ, I leave my tabs unattended way too long. That was ten minutes ago.
  6. Aren't you forgetting something.. you ain't no mod no more, niggah! Consider Ast's decrees my own. Now, on topic, I don't expect a delay. They've probably been on this thing, on some level, since GTA IV's release day.
  7. Assuming he has a console. He only lists a Steam ID, so he may not.
  8. Re: The PC discussion: A 26" monitor is going to provide a clearer picture than a 50" TV, though a bigger screen is enough for most people. I would be content with either. Playing any game on PC is a very different experience from playing on console, and preferring PC is bigger than preferring PS3 over 360 or vice versa. PC gamers are a dedicated bunch. Some games, I'll only play on PC (Skyrim, Fallout), while I'll only play others on console (GTA, Assassin's Creed). So, I prefer GTA on console, but I understand only wanting to play it on PC.
  9. *Has no responsibilities* *Stabs redcoats*
  10. 99.9 (repeating) percent chance it is only Los Santos.
  11. I haven't found a viewpoint yet. Haven't gotten much into it, really. Was delayed playing it, and am now re-familiarizing myself with the controls, wandering around Boston.
  12. *Thinks* Nah, Fitty's Venice comment still amuses me lots.
  13. Until I hear of lots of people dying amidst this mess, it is very funny to me.
  14. Slicing open the plastic wrapping now...
  15. Guys. If Fitty dies. I'm going to be sad.
  16. In the comics, Andrea has a 4-page monologue about her desire to fist Michonne.
  17. I'm doing both. Fuck sleep.
  18. Comes out on the 30th here. *Stabs a nigga* *Points at corpse* Templar.
  19. One reason I tend to avoid rushed midnight releases it that I always stand and bullshit with the employees when I go to Gamestop for ages. Fuck strangers, the employees are cool.
  20. I think I might actually go to the midnight release for this one.
  21. ^ Got a solid chuckle out of that.
  22. After some consideration, I'm leaning towards color. And by that, I mean that's where my erection is pointing.
  23. That one's a winner. No input between color/B&W, though.