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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Damn Mass, you're predictable. Well, everyone knows I'm a rebel. I always fuck the police. Also, both chicks are meh.
  2. I don't like either. FUCK THA POLICE.
  3. K9's would annoy the shit out of me. People with assault rifles take priority, I don't want to waste a second shooting a dog in the head.
  4. The difference is that Saints Row and Tarantino movies are similar, and Saints Row and Bruno are not. Q was just saying SR is shit, because he's a dick.
  5. If you base it on critical reception and not style, content, and atmosphere, then sure, you're right. Admittedly, SR lost a lot of its style in 3, but my analogy is valid.
  6. ^ Third time that's been posted. We know. We have known for hours.
  7. That is a shit comparison. Saints Row is to GTA as Tarantino is to Scorsese.
  8. Great, now I have to figure out how the main page works. Or... *Emails article to Fitty, continues being lazy* Edit: Actually not that complicated...
  9. Like I said, if it's available at midnight, I'll have it all up within 5 minutes. 10 minutes, tops.
  10. Oh, I forgot the screens will be separate, clickable images. Yeah, I'll have the whole thing. Not sure if we're free to post scans in a news story, but I'll post them here and face the wrath of GI myself, putting no responsibility on the site.
  11. If the digital issue is posted at midnight, I'll have screens right away. If it doesn't become available until 8am or some nonsense, it's on someone else. Switching to digital specifically so I provide screens if needed.
  12. Massacre


    He is making companions.
  13. Saints Row is a brilliant series, not selling as many copies as GTA (few games do) doesn't make it any less so. Don't be fanboys, kiddies.
  14. Massacre


    Not at the moment. Still de-rage-ifying.
  15. I said the same thing about Rocko's Modern Life back in the day. Props to whoever remembers that show.
  16. At first glance, most people would think it was a pesticide spray gun. People aren't going to automatically assume it's an assault rifle. Though, holding the gun with one hand, against your side (the side facing the storefront), is the way to go.
  17. Wearing the right disguise when robbing a place can get you in and out with very few of the people outside taking a second glance at you, and the people outside are a bigger concern than the people inside.
  18. Massacre


    Do some meth, punch an Asian in the face, then start masturbating. You'll feel much better when you come down. Well, except for the fact that you will have friction burned all the skin off of your dick.
  19. SR3 had Whored Mode, where you killed waves of enemies. A play on Gears of War's Horde Mode. Also, if you stop playing a Saints Row game a week after you get it, you're doing it wrong.
  20. I'm going to assume he meant that it could either be played solo or in co-op. Saints Row 3 did this, for example.
  21. It's not like running split screen in a shooter, where you're stuck in on small map, it's a huge open world. If you're in different parts of the map, your console would have to load most of the map twice.