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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I liked it when they cut Rick's hand off and everyone took turns sucking off his bloody stump. Maggie's sister has mad skills.
  2. Well, aside from WWII or something, they're running out of time periods. They'll have to go farther back again, or do a modern game at some point.
  3. It has a new story about a new assassin in a new time period, but the overall story is still about Desmond in 2012. Revelations wrapped up Ezio and Altair's stories, but Desmond's isn't finished.
  4. It was very different. Ezio is old as shit, and his fighting style changes to compensate. It's much heavier, more powerful. I enjoyed Revelation's combat more than II and Brotherhood. Story, too.
  5. Yes, you should. Now go mouthfuck him.
  6. They're actually very important parts of the story. I wouldn't play III without playing Brotherhood and Revelations.
  7. Nigga dun got hisself a full-time job for the week.
  8. Fixed Yeah, that. I don't smoke weed anymore, so I really have no excuse for that slip-up.
  9. *Wonders what Dup's nub looks like post-zombification*
  10. Would like to see the days lengthened in V. Two seconds = one hour in-game was good in IV, but I'd prefer three or four seconds per hour. Still takes six 'hours' to finish missions and whatnot.
  11. Now he's a corpse. No one's a Scouser in death, for being a Scouser for eternity is worse than a thousand Hells.
  12. *Grabs Brian by the collar, shakes him* Finish Revelations, you bastard!
  13. My Gamestop always has extras of that stuff. Got a Fallout 3 LE for $30 a couple years ago, expect to have the same happen with this. Nice to see Desmond will be seeing some real action. I'm really hoping there will be a sizable chunk of the game featuring Desmond. The Desmond sequences in Revelations were a joke, and I've been wanting a modern game since I first played II. If not, there's always the possibility they'll come up with a post-2012 threat for the Assassins to face.
  14. Well, I never fully read the OP, so, yeah.
  15. I first got internet right around that age where you get the urge to masturbate, but don't know what masturbation is yet. Figured it out pretty quick.
  16. ^ Well done, but I have a few notes. Your post should have been longer and more nonsensical. Also, while I realize that you used no punctuation, the noobs somehow manage to use less, so, get on that.
  17. Yep. It's okay, I didn't even know we had rules until, oh... *Looks at nonexistent watch* ... about fifteen seconds ago.
  18. I play similarly. I do most missions at night, unless I feel that a certain mission would make more sense to do during the day. I head back to my safehouse to 'sleep' between 2 and 3 am, save until the time is between 10am and 1pm, repeat. I also try to use the same car as often as possible.