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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Ended up not having to reload. Remembered that waiting three days makes them non-hostile.
  2. Gee, you're right. I've only been watching Rockstar for a decade, what do I know? You ever seen the background image for Rockstar Warehouse? They want to look like a crime syndicate. That is their theme. Edit: Moved to semi-correct section.
  3. I have already answered you, and this is still the wrong section.
  4. I see. Also, dust aside, your house looks nice. Window flowers are purdy. *Has played too much Sims*
  5. I assume the names are listed respectively? If so, Merlin is epic. Also, dust around your faux fireplace.
  6. I'm shit at Draw Something. I can't do anything with a touch screen. But I did indeed appreciate it.
  7. Massacre


    If you were a badass, you would steal one. Better yet, you would kill rattlesnakes with your bare hands and make it yourself.
  8. Massacre


    Why do you not have a snakeskin jacket in real life? You also still need a cane.
  9. Let's keep this somewhat on topic, kids. I don't want to have to delete any posts, it fucks up the pages when staff view them.
  10. I will never understand why kids think they get to tell people what to do in their topics. People are making valid points that you're either misunderstanding or ignoring. Also, people are not required to agree with you and have no reason or obligation to do so.
  11. I have somehow managed to attract the attention of three dragons, a bear, and a pack of Forsworn. Should go well. Edit: Survived... but now my quest NPC is hostile and Ihave to reload my fucking game...
  12. Massacre


    Would really prefer that this be third person. Regardless, I'll pick it up after a price drop.
  13. Massacre


    Make his hair darker. Then make him look gayer. Should do it.
  14. Was a bit disappointed by Hitman, but Olyphant was great. In response to Firm's pic, Justified is a fucking epic show.
  15. Looking forward to this. I also enjoyed Live Free or Die Hard. Really liked the parts with Kevin Smith, and I'm one of the few people who liked Justin Longs character. Also, Timothy Olyphant is my honky.
  16. If I ask a retarded physics engine creator, sure. It is called ragdoll physics because it mimics a ragdoll being thrown around. Simply moving and reacting to the environment is just regular physics.
  17. So, it wasn't that you thought they should ragdoll, just that you misunderstood what 'ragdoll' actually means. Yes, you would fall down when shot with a shotgun or high-powered rifle, but that isn't ragdolling. 'Ragdoll' is flailing around wildy when you're hit by a car and go flying through the air. Simply falling down isn't ragdolling.
  18. Oh, fuck yeah. *Eats grilled cheese* *Shares none with Mercy*
  19. Massacre


    I'll look for it eventually.
  20. Massacre


    No, I saw it on the New Vegas Nexus a while back. Rustled my jimmies a bit. Things with baby faces aren't okay.
  21. Massacre


    Is that the mod with the monster that looks like a giant baby face with the back half of a hippo for a body?