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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I hated both of them. Never bothered to get to New Model Army.
  2. I used to work with a guy from Morocco. Cool guy.
  3. LOL so what is according to you ?! Simple animation repeating at every hit? LOL Ragdoll is the best solution in games. U also like to be better than npcs u dont care about balance in games. I dont like people like this. They just dont care they just want things, simple things and thats it for them. Pathetic. Ragdoll for enpcs and for player that would make great balance and challenge not to play a terminator like style. I wish that u would be test target and someone would shoot you while you wearing bullet proof armor. Then U would change your mind very fast. But this is not possible for someone sitting in front of monitor and only playing simple games. Wow, that was an extremely sudden display of proud americanry, I'm impressed. You also have no fucking clue what you're on about.Short of a midget being hit by a .50 cal, no one is going to be ragdolled when shot. I have seen people being shot, a lot. You don't go limp and flop around on the floor when it happens.
  4. Massacre


    Fuck yeah. Also, I always dump the bodies there, too.
  5. Pretty sure we have a topic for this somewhere. I will look for it. Also, honky. Edit: Hm, guess not. But honky, nonetheless.
  6. *Searches for preexisting topic* *Doesn't find one* Hey, good for you! ... On topic, getting ragdolled when shot isn't realistic.
  7. This pretty much covers it.
  8. No. No no no no no. Do not roll a hunter your first time playing. Every newbie rolls a hunter, and doesn't know how to pay the class, and further sullies the hunters' reputation. Roll a rogue, they're easy to learn. Soloing as a subtlety rogue is extremely easy, especially after you get Premeditation.
  9. Last pic: Photobombed by overweight, gay emo.
  10. I wish I could get a Scroll of Resurrection, I want an instant 80, bad-like.
  11. No need to grind for JP anymore. They revamped the Darkmoon Faire, and now you can buy heirlooms for prize tickets.
  12. With a recurring 6 month subscription, it's the same as buying two new games and one pre-owned game per year, and you're going to get more content from WoW than those three games, even if you buy Skyrim, Fallout 3 GOTY, and New Vegas GOTY.
  13. Massacre


    Probably. Companies do things like that all the time.
  14. *Enters* Adding working boats would be fairly easy. *Leaves*
  15. They want to update Outland and Northrend like they did with Azeroth, but I'm not sure if it'll ever happen. New character models are in the works, though. Which is great, because the vanilla races are painfully outdated.
  16. Well, it'll get me through Outland faster, so I'm cool with it. Can't stand Outland, except Nagrand. I'm gaining an average of ten levels per day.
  17. Massacre

    360 vs PS3

    inFamous and Fable are the only ones on the list worth a second play, with Heavy Rain being a possible exception because I know fuck all about it.
  18. +1 Support your local modder.
  19. Why does that guy's head look like a chewed-up Lego head?
  20. Yep. I've got almost-full heirloom gear (they added leg pieces, but none of my guilds will have unlocked them by the time my monk hits 85) and 50% xp for an hour, thanks to my monk training dailies. Once I get my monk into a high-level guild, that'll be another 20%. That's 105% bonus xp. Fuck yeah.