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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Guys, I just finished building my own rover. Who wants to help me get it to Mars?
  2. I would hope so. That looks insanely fun. *Buys wheelchair* *Crashes, is paralyzed* Fuck.
  3. Fuck. Now I have to start writing wheelchair jokes. Might as well incinerate all the Jew jokes.
  4. Nowhere in there does it say that the map is bigger than IV or San Andreas. Perhaps you should wait for an official statement, rather than interpreting things in whatever way best suits your wishful thinking.
  5. Nope. All my non-weapon, non-armor, non-food-and-water storage goes to garden gnomes and extra gas mask filters.
  6. Merged into side activity topic, changed title to something more general.
  7. I have never in my life played chess, or even had access to a chessboard.
  8. Why would that note need to be private? That's always the strategy around here.
  9. I like how people are assuming you can play tennis. Peds do plenty of things you can't do; sitting on a bench, playing a saxophone, carrying an umbrella, other shit I don't remember. Don't be so quick to think we get a boring new minigame just because it's in a screenshot. R* is likely just showing off new ped interactions.
  10. I'm going to go ahead and say that's not the same house. The windows don't match, the balconies are black instead of white, and there's an orange building to the right of the house, whereas the house in the trailer has a white/off-white house next to it.
  11. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    I must now see the Undertaker vs. Mankind Hell in a Cell match again.
  12. I'm not going to go to sleep, or stop taking hallucinogenic drugs! Also, whatever that thing is, it's barely even humanoid-shaped. Not bigfoot. You were probably joking, anyway, but I have to take it seriously because sometimes you people have idiot moments that come from seemingly nowhere.
  13. Restoring deleted post, because this is the second time it's been mentioned. The map was never leaked, nothing has been leaked. All alleged leaks are fakes. Poorly-done fakes, at that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fake map you are looking for is likely in here somewhere.
  14. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    Always hated Sting. Was a big Jeff Hardy fan back in the day, but I haven't seen him wrestle in ages. I assume he's going the way of Raven, with the drug use and whatnot.
  15. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    I always preferred hardcore wrestling, unless there was a match with technical wrestlers (Dean Malenko, and, to a lesser extent, Kurt Angle), or someone who could make a match look brutal without weapons. No one I actually liked has died because of hardcore-related damage, so, meh. Genuinely surprised Raven isn't dead, either from hardcore matches or drugs.
  16. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    Golden shower enthusiast, eh?
  17. Are you sure you're not just meant to become Mothman? I mean, moths are very underrepresented in the superhero world. Except for Arthur, The Tick's sidekick.
  18. That parachute pic... Gorgeous. The countryside looks incredible. Also, are noob posts getting funnier, or is it just me? I've only facepalmed twice since Monday's screens were posted.
  19. Massacre

    WWE 13!

    If we're talking Attitude Era, it doesn't get any better than Undertaker. The Ministry of Darkness was awesome.