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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Just because you have issues with Saints Row 2 and 3 being unrealistic, doesn't mean they aren't great games. Both games are very fun, despite their admittedly weak stories.
  2. Bologna sandwiches ftw.
  3. How would being robbed in GTA ever work or make sense? You're armed to the teeth and have five times the health of any NPC.
  4. They didn't announce the 360 Dawnguard release date until 4 days before it came out. Give it time, negro.
  5. No I didn't. Black Widow has never been worthy of a mention in any film she has done. She is a horrible, horrible actress. She has a lovely arse, though.
  6. Batman and Wolverine work for Alfred, then Batman wants to do his own thing and ends up in a magic war with Wolverine and Alfred. Wolverine enlists the help of Ziggy Stardust (the Spiders from Mars are nowhere to be found), and that's when shit gets awesome, and there are lots of hats. Then, at the end, you find out Alfred was just trying to make Wolverine feel better when he said some shit earlier in the movie, and the shit goes down with Batman and Wolverine.
  7. Massacre

    Saints Row

    Right, was going to take a couple pics... Here, check out the shit camera on my phone. Notice the pixelation does not extend past his crotch. That is because his penis is very small. I blew up a car. With a chainsaw. Also, I am amazed by my nipples.
  8. Hey, did you ever see The Prestige? I told you see it ages ago. See it. Bowie as Tesla. David Motherfucking Bowie as Nikola Goddamn Tesla. It is the greatest thing ever.
  9. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I should take a shot of mine. He is epic. *Turns on PS3*
  10. Michonne isn't very attractive in the comics, anyway. Also, this chick looks pretty badass and angry. I'm a fan.
  11. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I don't have a single achievement for this game - I always start cheating immediately when it comes to Saints Row. Too fun to resist. The only DLC that seemed substantial to me was Enter the Dominatrix, which, if you've skimmed the last couple pages, you know was cancelled and is being expanded into SR4. The Trouble with Clones interests me, though. If I buy any of the DLC, it'll probably be that one.
  12. Massacre

    Saints Row

    I advise against any of the cheap packs, although I hear the gun in the Shark Attack Pack is more useful than the regular shotguns in the game. Also, of the proper DLC's, skip Genki Bowl, it's just retooled versions of the pre-existing activities. I heard Gangsters in Space and The Trouble with Clones are okay.
  13. Might as well post this one, too, since I have no idea when the opportunity will present itself. This one's OC.
  14. Fitty poses shirtless with dalmatians for calendars. He is Mr. November.
  15. Massacre


    *Ejaculates everywhere* HRRRGGHH MOTHERFUCKING YES. MUST BUY NOW. NOW. *Repeatedly tries to shove handful of cash into monitor* Day one purchase, no exceptions. Collector's Edition? I'll buy it. All stores are sold out? I will kill anyone to get a copy.
  16. There is nothing even remotely funny about Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the world. I would rather have five more Holocausts than one more season of Jersey Shore.